A Day with the Boys pt2

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  Ok, I have no idea why he is here but who cares, I need to enjoy today as much as I can before returning to work tomorrow. We decided to go eat first so  we went to a BBQ shop.

~~~~~In the shop~~~~~

  As we enter the shop there was a girl who kept looking at us with her friends. I look back at her and she look away. I already know she's a fan of my company. I walk over to her, her and her friends started to panick. The boys try to stop me but I didn't listen because I'm not doing something bad.

"Annyeong, you guys are fans huh?"-I ask and they nodded.

"Can we have a picture with you Hyunji unnie?"-One of the girl ask.

"Sure"-I said smiling at them and we took the picture.

"Gomawo unnie!"-One of the girl said

"Ne, do good in school okay?"-I said

"Nee!"-They all said

    I walk back to the boys them and they look at me shock.

"When did you become nice?"-Jimin

"I've been just never really show it"-I told them

"Your fans are so nice"-JHope

"They are, most of my fans are teenage girls not much boys"-I said and laughed

"Anyways what do you guys want to order?"-Jungkook

"We need a table first pabo"-Suga

"Oh yeah, totally forgot because of a person"-He said and I sent him a glare and he smirk.

   We got a table and ordered bimbimbap, teobbokki, chicken, soju, and meat to grill with some side dishes.

~~~~~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~~~~~

We finally finished talking and eating after two hours thanks to a person Jeon Jungkook. We decided to go to the mall we chose our pairs and they left me with that person, you guess it is of course Jeon Jungkook.


   We all went with our partners to go shopping.

"Yah, imma go to Sephora, Foot Locker, H&M, American Eagle, Etude house, and etc. You sure you'll be able to bare with me walking around?"-I ask him and he nod.


 "Welcome to Sephora"-The lady greeted and I smile

   I went around the store and went to go look at lipsticks. I saw from light to bold, gloss to plain, liquid to hard, and I saw matte my favorite. I walked to the matte section and look at the colors.

"Red, blue, brown, gold, silver, indigo, purple, maroon, green, mint, eggplant, etc"-I said all of the color I can find. I pick up the Red, Pink, and Beige.

    I went to the eyeshadow section next I grab the usual as I always get the natural color. I went to the brow section and grab a black and dark brown one. At the eyeliner section I grab a dark black liquid liner with a gold glitter liner stick. I went around the store and found brushes I bought a eyeshadow, contour, highlight, and two beaut blender. I then walk to the counter to pay for it.

"It'll be $96 in total miss"-The cashier said and I pay it and walk out of the store.

"When did you began to wear make up?"-Jungkook ask me

"Two years ago"-I reply back texting JJ on my phone

"To that lint that you out on so much makeup?"-He ask me

"Ya, I don't wear that much"-I said

"Anyway where are we going next?"

"H&M"-I said


"Isn't mean though we made both of them go together but all of us is together?"-V

"No, they can be together as we talk about them"-Jimin

"Ok, but what about them are we going to talk about?"-JHope

"If they're going to make up or not"-Jin

"Hyunji probably won't because she don't forgive people easily"-Suga

"True that"-Rap Mon

"Let's go somewhere"-JHope


"We're in"-All


  Why does this girl buy so much make up? Author-him are you also like this?(A: Maybe, stop complaining that is how girls are like ok. Well not all but still!) Fine, geez, bet your not even older than me(A-Shut up you freakin maknae!) awe author-nim getting mad(A-Ya, I swear your going to die) Wow so scary go back to writing(A-I will if you stop asking to me) Fine there(A-Thank you) geez. 

"Yah, how much are you going to buy?"-I ask her having five bags in each hand 

"I don't know, as much as I carry?"-She said and walk in to puma

"Oh god"-I said and follow her in there

   We was walking and she chose out a black puma shoes and a gray and black sweatshirts. She pay for them and walk out.

"Ok, I think this is it"-She said

"Can we go find them now?"-I ask

"Let's go"-She said

   We was walking around to look for hyung them and we hear Rap Mon yelling.

"Yah, I was close to winning though!"

"Shut up hyung you know you can't beat me"-Jimin

"Yah, is that how you talk to your hyung?"-Jin

"Yeah, show respect"-Suga

"Jimin you couldn't best me too"-V

"All you guys couldn't best me"-JHope

"Guess they ditch us and went by their self together"-Hyunji

"Yep, pretty sure they did that on purpose"-I said

"Let's go over"

    I follow her and went over with her, she started nagging at them of why they're together and why they're not in pairs. 

    After a good 20 mins of nagging we decided to go eat then go our seperate ways.

"Okay, let's go eat seafood"-Hyunji said and we drove to a seafood restraunt

  We enter and was greeted and order at our table.

"So how was it shopping?"-Jin

"You can just say I'm tire from that"-I told him

"How many bags?"-JHope

"12"-I reply back and they stop eating and stare at Hyunji

"What, it's  not my fault none of ya came with me"-She said and continue eating.  

~~~~~55mins later~~~~~


   We're finally done eating heading out now Jin paid because we played a game and he lost. I went to my car and the boys went to their. We all said good bye and drove seperate ways.

"Guess, today was a good day Jungkook"-I said to myself.

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