Spikes help

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I was laying on the couch watching TV  when I heard the door bell when I answered it I saw someone  unexpected but somehow it made me feel really happy .

“SPIKE hi how are you” I smiled at him

“I’m good thanks I just wanted to let you know there is a truck outside your house it looks like it’s your baby stuff. I was wondering if you wanted some help with it”

“YAY I’ve been waiting for the baby stuff for 3 weeks YES I would love your help” why did I do that I don’t even know him I said to myself.

“Awesome thanks”

 We walked over to the truck and the man was unloading the truck

“Hi thank god your here I’ve been waiting for ages” I said to the man

“Yes sorry been a busy week, you have got a lot of stuff here would you like me to help put in all inside?” he said me

“yes please thanks we will help” I said to him

“ok but you take the light stuff I don’t want you going into labour on me” he joked

“sure” I said laughing slightly

30 minutes later everything was in my house and the truck on gone

“Lexi would you like my help setting up the cribs I’m really good at building things?

“yes that would be greet now we just got to find them” I starting laughing so did he

“I think they are over there”

“Ahh yes their they are”

“I will follow you up to where we are going to put them”

“Sure I’m putting them in my room follow me” I said

 When we got to my room I turned around to see Spike with his mouth wide open

“Errrr Spike you’re going to catch flies if you keep your mouth open like that” I laughed

I saw is month snap shut

“SORRY I just can’t believe how big your room is”

“Yeah it’s pretty big but it just means that is not going to be tight spaced when I got all the twins stuff in here”

Yeah I will just go get the other crib

I started to opened crib box while Spike looking good if I can say so myself (AHHH WHY am I thinking like this about spike I don’t know him very well and I’m with CONNER ) went down to get the other crib.

“I’m back” spike said as he came into my room

“Great now you can help me get this crib out of the box and help me build it”


It took about half an hour to finish crib number one we both had allot of fun building the crib although I was mostly only watching . we talked and talked , I told him all about Conner and everything it was so easy for me to talk to him , Although I feel guilty that I’m having so much fun doing this stuff for my girls with Spike I should be doing this with Conner.

“Spike would you like some lunch?” I asked him

“Sure thanks, what are we having?”

“What would you like?” I asked

“Peanut butter sandwiches and coke it’s my favourite?” he asked me

“Mine too lets go downstairs”

“Have you got any names picked out yet” Spike asked

“Not yet have you got any ideas? I asked as I gave him his lunch

“Thanks, I’ve always liked the name Isabel”

“Me too I was thinking that name as well. Let’s make a list” I wrote down Isabel

“How about Emily Rose?”  Spike said, As soon as you said he said it my face lit up as one of my babies’s kicked me

“THATS PERFECT, No need to put that on the list my Baby on the left kicked me when you said it I think she likes it, so baby on the left is called Emily Rose now we need to find a name for baby on the right”

“Wow awesome that’s cool that she liked it” He said as he came closer the baby on the lefted kicked again

“SPIKE baby on the left really likes you she’s reacting to your voice; Do you want to feel her kick?” I asked

“Sure if you don’t mind” I grabbed his hand and placed it on the left side of my belly

“Talk to her” I said

“Hello Emily” he said to as he rubbed my bump and she kicked again and again

“Wow she’s kicking really hard at you spike she doesn’t do that for anyone excepted me only baby on the right reacts to other people”

“I can feel Emily kicking it’s amazing. Wow does she really not react to anyone but you” he asked

“Yes its only me and now you “

“Hello Emily I can’t wait to meet you” She kicked again

“You can’t?” I asked him

“I’m exciting to meet them.”  he said

“Why? You barely know us” I asked

“I know it’s just uhm don’t worry I better go” he said as he headed toward the door looking sad

“WAIT come back here please” I yelled

He came back still looking sad

“What’s wrong” I asked

“I don’t thing I should tell you will get upset” he said

“No I won’t please tell me”

“I don’t know why this is but I feel something for you  it happened from the first second I saw you yesterday that’s why I came up to talk to you when you were with my brother I don’t normally talk to any of his friend, when I saw the truck I was the perfect chance to see you again and hang out with you I wanted to get to know you a lot more and all day today something has been  growing stronger for you, I know I should stop thinking this way because you got Conner but I can’t help it I’m sorry”

“WOW, don’t be sorry I’ve been feeling it too but I’ve also been feeling guilty I feel like I’m betraying Conner but I want to get to know you I want you to be a part of my life and my babies life’s too if you will like too” when I said that his face lit up like I gave a child a candy bar

“Really?” he asked

“Yes really but we are friends only ok can we handle that?”

“I think we can”

“Good now let’s go and do the other crib” I said happily

I walked up the stairs after Spike then I felt  this sharp tight pain all of a sudden this very warm liquid gushed out and soaked my pants and the stairs.

Authors note

HEY everyone, are you likeing the longer chapters or do you want shorter ones? does anyone like spike ?  PLEASE PLEASE vote and comment , thanks .

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