Jordan's home part 3

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Jordan woke up in the end, wondering how he got here. "Hello! Anybody here!?" Jordan asked. "Hello Jordan." "M'Lady?" "Yes. You have to be the balance in this world. Do as I say." Ianite replied, dissapearing. Jordan was still there and all of a sudden Botan Kikoku was there and trying to get Jordan to come to his side. Jordan fought Botan and eventually won.

Andor was walking along the beach, heading to Jordan's house when he saw a hole in the sand. He scrambled to the hole and looked over the edge to see a broken Jordan laying almost dead in the hole. 

"DIANITE!" Andor yelled.

Dianite showed up and saw Jordan. Dianite picked up Jordan and flew to Dec's with Andor right behind him. 

*Get your fat asses over here you lazy excuses of friends* Dianite typed to Tom, Tucker and Sonja.



*coming* They all replied.

Dianite sat down and pretty soon Tom, Tucker and Sonja were there.

"I thought I told you guys to watch Jordan." Dianite said.

Tom, Tucker and Sonja looked at each other guiltily. They looked back at Dianite.

"But what did you actually call us here for?" Sonja asked.

Dianite pointed inside and Tom, Tucker and Sonja took a peek inside. They saw Jordan lying on a bed, broken leg and arm, with Dec over him, getting a cast on his leg and arm. Their eyes widened with guilt. Sonja and Tucker slipped inside, Tom following seconds later. Jordan all of a sudden sat up with his sunglasses pushed all the way up. Dec tried to push Jordan back down but Jordan didn't budge. Jordan pushed Dec with such force it sent him flying against the wall. Jordan looked down at his broken arm and leg and put a hand on his arm and it healed. He did the same with his leg and stood up. Dec tried to get Jordan back down but he couldn't. Tom, Tucker and Sonja tried to help Dec but couldn't. Jordan's arm shot up and grabbed Dec by the neck and lifted him up. Sonja was able to get Jordan's glasses of his face as a black barrier shot up around Jordan and Dec. 

"DIANITE! MIANITE! HELP!" Sonja yelled.

Dianite ran in just as Mianite teleported in. They saw Jordan strangling Dec. Mianite got angry and tried to get to his priest. The forcefield was stronger than Mianite and Dianite so they couldn't get in. Jordan snapped Dec's neck and dropped his body. Jordan turned to them, barrier falling, a crazy, sinister smile on his face with completely black, glowing eyes. Champ ran towards Jordan in anger but Jordan just sent him flying out of the house. Jordan turned back to Sonja and she started sliding towards him. Tucker and Tom were trying to pull her away and so did Mianite and Dianite but she slipped out of their grips. Halfway through Jordan stopped. Sonja ran back to Tucker and Tom and hid behind them. Jordan's arm twitched and his head went to the side as if he was confused. They saw a flash of purple in Jordan's eyes and knew Jordan was fighting something. Jordan's eyes kept flickering between purple and black. Jordan fell to the floor, convulsing. 

"JORDAN!" Sonja yelled, trying to help Jordan.

Jordan's legs started kicking and Jordan started to strangle himself as his eyes grew to be black pits of nothing. Sonja was crying and trying to pull away Jordan's hands. Tom and Tucker rushed up and each took a hand and tried to pull it away. Jordan's hands didn't budge as two ghostly figures appeared over Jordan's body, fighting each other. A ghostly Jordan stepped in with his bow and shot the black figure. The black figure crumbled to dust and Jordan stopped moving. His hands fell to his side and his legs stopped kicking. His body fell still and Tom, Tucker and Sonja stared in horror. A ghostly Ianite stood over his body and bowed to Tom, Tucker, Sonja, Mianite and Dianite. She dissapeared and Jordan shot up, breathing heavily. Sonja shot to Jordan and hugged him, crying. Tom and Tucker did too while Mianite and Dianite just looked at each other. Jordan couldn't really see very well because his vision was blurry. 

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