I have been tagged. Thanks @_it's_Beth.

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I have been tagged. By @_it's_Beth. Thank you.

13 facts about me:

1. I am 13 turning 14 August 30.

2. I have more guy friends than girl friends.

3. I am female.(probably guessed by my name)

4. I love horses. Especially pintos.

5. I have two cats named Buster and Charcoal.

6. I am a tomboy. No doubt about it.

7. I love legos.

8. I like to read for fun. Don't judge.

9. I live in Ohio.

10. My favorite song is angel with a shotgun.

11. I play the flute.

12. I am learning to play sax as a side instrument.

13. I will be a bridesmaid in September.

I will now tag @Neptuna_Vegas @LeavenGreenleaf and @Zektehkek

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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