Friends being annoying

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Tom had found where Jordan does his witchery stuff and went to go tell Tucker. He told Tucker and they both headed over to the hut. Jordan was inside and was doing his stuff. They watched from the top invisible. Jordan was walking around muttering things and every now and then he would check something. Tom opened the door and closed it quickly. Jordan whirled around quickly, sword in hand, eyes blazing. He opened the door, looked outside and then closed the door again, muttering about wind. Tom had gotten a jar called whiff of magic which was in what Jordan was checking. Jordan checked it and jerked back when the jar was gone. He looked around, wondering if he put it in. Tom and Tucker silently snickered at this. Tucker opened and closed the door again. Jordan ran out and Tom dropped in. He was invisible so Jordan didn't notice him. The chest opened as Tom look in. Jordan whipped around to look at the chest. An item was floating and Jordan knew what was happening. Tucker was waiting for Jordan to come back outside so he didn't know what was happening. Jordan took out his only sword that went through Tom armor. He took it and hit Tom. Tom yelped and retreated to a corner. He saw Jordan staring at him with his eyes blazing from anger. He raised his sword again and hit Tom. Tom died and respawned in his house. Jordan watched as items appeared out of nowhere from Tom's grave. He put the items in his bag of holding when he heard a noise on the roof. That sound came only from Tucker's armor. Jordan went outside and whipped around to see a sword jerk back and dissapear. Jordan flew up and killed Tucker. He took their stuff and put it in his soulbound bag of holding. If they tried to kill Jordan for their stuff they wouldn't get it back. Tom and Tucker were there a couple minutes later. Jordan was there waiting for them as the walked up. Jordan's eyes were bright with something. Tom and Tucker couldn't tell what it was. They knew that there was anger in his eyes but couldn't tell what the other thing was. Tom and Tucker took out the only swords that they had with them and started to fight Jordan. Jordan fought back with surprising strength considering how puny his arms looked. Jordan got the swords out of their hands and they were at Jordan's mercy. Jordan's eyes were too bright as he lifted up the sword. Tom and Tucker closed their eyes only to be met by coughing. They opened their eyes to see Jordan coughing so hard that his whole body shook. He wiped his mouth and blood was smeared on his hand and at the end of his mouth. Tom looked at Tucker and they both knew that Jordan was sick. Tom went to step closer but Jordan snarled and lifted his sword again. This made Jordan cough again and stagger. Jordan had more blood trickling out of his mouth. He didn't notice. Then they knew why Jordan's eyes were so bright, he was sick. Players can't respawn if they were taken by sickness. This is why people were careful not to get sick. Jordan's eyes still sparkled with aggression. Jordan stood, somewhat lopsided as he watched Tom. He took a rattley breath and looked at Tucker who was behind him. Jordan looked back to Tom. Tom gave the tinest nod that Jordan didn't catch from unfocused eyes. Tucker lunged and brought Jordan down. Tom went to tie Jordan up so he could take Jordan to Ianite so she could heal him. Even though Jordan had killed them and taken their stuff, they still cared for their friend. Jordan struggled and struggled which made it hard to tie him up. Jordan coughed and went limp. This worried Tom. Tom tied him up securly and swiftly and Tucker lifted him up. Tom looked at Jordan's face and saw closed eyes. Tom shook Jordan and Jordan's eyes opened. They were still bright with fever and sickness. Jordan's eyes got wide and his hands moved in a clawing motion. He struggled to breathe and his lips were getting blue. Jordan was suffocating from blood. Tom sat Jordan up so that he could breathe easier. Tom and Tucker carried Jordan to his fortress of fury. Tom sat him on the bed sitting up. Tucker typed to Ianite.

*Ianite! Are you here?!* 

*Yes, Jericho what do you need?*

*Jordan is sick*

*No! Not Spark Plug! I'm coming over now.* 

*It will be okay little sister*

Dianite was reasurring Ianite as she flew to Jordan's

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