Chapter 17: Let go of him, girl

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When I was a kid I always wanted to be a detective. This whole dilemma was kind of fun, when you look past all the stress.

We got to the police station with our evidence, just like in all the detective movies.

It wasn't all that eventful. We showed the police at the doors our evidence and they got us into an office to do some interrogations. We told them the story of how we went there and what kind of stuff they had on the tables. We told them where the lab is also.

"How did you find it?" He asked.

We all looked at each other.

Quickly I answered, "We just um, chose some stuff off the tables."

"No, not the evidence," he responded, looking me dead in the eye. "How did you find the lab?"

I stared down to the test tube with a superhuman eyeball in my hand. Good old embryo eyeballs!

"Something so hidden, you couldn't have simply stumbled across it!" The police man's voice got louder.

Tom looked at me. I stared back at him. He didn't lose eye contact as he said, "I found it."

I almost shouted NO! I almost got up and ran away. But I sat there, still and silent. Tom could tell the truth. Hopefully they'd take it well. Hopefully...

"I was created there. Grown in a test tube from and embryo. They created me with perfect features, and good diving skills so I could be in the Olympics, where the whole world is watching, and get their company out there."

"You're for publicity?" The policeman said.

Tom nodded.

"And you're perfect?" He asked.

Tom nodded again.

"How about you come with me Mr Daley." He stood up from being his desk and walked towards Tom.

Tom Daley... Perfect human... Genetically engineered... With the police... That didn't sound good...

I grabbed Tom's hand. "It's okay." He whispered.

The police man grabbed him by the shoulders. "Let go of him, girl. It'll only be a little while, then you can have him back."

Reluctantly I let go... And burst into tears.

Tom Daley: Mr. PerfectWhere stories live. Discover now