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Tonight is Thursday Night Smackdown, and I have been Divas Champion for a few days, and I am on cloud 9. I was ready for my match against Emma, I was on my way to Brie's locker room to see her. I walked to Brie's locker room and knocked on the door, Dean opened the door. "Hey Nikki." I smiled "Hey Dean. Where's Brie?" "Brieeee! Nikki's here!!!" Brie walked out of the bathroom. "Hey Nikki how's everything?" I shrugged "Ok, work is stressful as always." Brie looked at me with a frown "Nicole all you ever talk about now is work." " I mean I am the Divas Champion, all I have time for is work." Dean laughed "And how does it feel?" "Honestly it's great, I love it." "And you know you have to thank him for that." I looked down, because I know he's right, if it weren't for Roman and the breakup, I wouldn't be Divas Champ. "I should thank him, Dean but I won't because I never asked for him to help me win a title shot.. Also he broke up something that I thought was going good, for a title shot. I thought you're buddy, Roman actually liked me but it turns out, he didn't." Dean looked at me "Ok that's not true, he liked you a lot." I nodded "well I guess he didn't like me enough. A title shot was worth more than me." I lowered my head, Brie tried rubbing my back "Don't Brie, look guys I gotta go. My match is next." I walked out of the locker room, I was walking, looking down, trying to hold the tears in my eyes. I bumped into someone, "Sorry." I tried walking away but the person grabbed my arm, I looked up and saw Roman. "Babygirl, what's wrong?" I rolled my eyes "Nothing Reigns, I'm better than ever, can't you tell? I'm Divas Champion now. Now get your hands off!" I ripped my hand from his grasp, "God Damn it!!!" I heard Roman yelled from behind me. I miss him, but he broke me when he dumped me for a title shot. I walked to the gorilla, and got ready for my entrance.
"You can look but you can't touch, You keep dreaming on the stars above."
I walked on the stage with my title held high, I did my Bella shake and walked down to the ring. Emma was already in the ring, the ref rung the bell. I got the first hit with a kick to the gut, I dragged her face to the mat.
She kicked out at one. I picked her up and whipped her into the corner, I kicked her in the stomach and DDT'd her. I set up for my Bella forearm, Emma got up woozy and I hit her. I picked her up and adjusted her on my shoulders. I hit her with the Rack Attack.
1..2..3 The winner of this match... The Divas Champion.. Nikki Bella!!!
I blew a kiss to the crowd, and I rose my hand in victory. I grabbed my championship and walked backstage. I felt eyes on me, I looked and saw Roman on the wall, watching me. I looked down and put my title on my shoulder and walked to my locker room

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