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Haru gave a sigh as he closed his test booklet. Leaning back in his chair, he closed his eyes with a content smile. There was only two weeks left until summer, and Haru was ecstatic to know that next year would be his last year in this hell hole known as Okazaki Academy. A small poke on the back of his head, made Haru sit up, and turn in his chair. Staring back at him was a girl with bubblegum pink hair. Her blue eyes shown brightly as she gave a smile. She wore a baggy yellow sweater that had the face of a puppy. She wore navy blue shorts and matching socks that reached the middle of her thigh, and bows that tied some of her hair up in pigtails. The rest of her pink hair cascading down her back and around her shoulders. Her doll-like appearance was completed with freckles that dusted the apple of her cheeks, and two dimples that hugged the corners of her lips when she smiled. This adorable little thing was known as Kimi, "Are you finished?" Her sugary sweet voice whispered as she leaned over her desk to talk softly.

Haru gave a soft chuckle as he nodded, holding a finger up to his lips in a 'shushing' motion. Kimi stuck her tongue out at Haru as she crinkled her nose, falling back in her seat with a huff. Haru simply shook his head, turning back around in his seat. Leaning back again, he felt Kimi's hands run through his shaggy blonde hair as she began to play with it.

Sighing, Haru closed his eyes, allowing Kimi's fingers to massage his scalp as the Teacher started to collect the test booklets. When all the booklets were picked up, and set neatly at the corner of the teacher's desk, the door to the classroom slid open, piquing the interest of each student. The sound of shoes skidding across the floor filled the classroom as everyone eyed the girl with scarlet hair and bright green eyes.

This girl was quite the opposite of Kimi. This girl wore a beige trench coat, a Burgundy turtleneck, blue skinny jeans, and black combat boots. Around her neck, was a pair of large gray headphones, the cord leading down to her pockets, where her hands were stuffed. She wore a small frown, and her ivory skin was only visible in very few parts of her body. Aya was the name of this piece of dynamite.
She gave a nod to the teacher before finding her seat next to Haru's.

"Mrs. Aya, you do realize you missed testing, yes?" The teacher asked, fixing his glasses that began to slide down his nose. Aya's eyes flicked up from her desk to the teacher, a simple nod used as her answer. "Then you do realize you'll have to make it up this weekend, correct?" The teacher asked, irritation starting to show in his face.

Again Aya nodded, her eyes closing as she leaned back in her seat, and started to snooze.

"Aya wake up!" Kimi whined after the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Aya gave a groan, her eyes closing tighter before they finally opened. "Finally!" Kimi sighed, slumping her shoulders, "it's time to go home." Kimi explained as she took Aya's arm and started to yank it.  Kimi glanced over at Haru, who only shrugged in his seat as he got his things together.

The three of them, Haru, Kimi, and Aya, had known each other since middle school; neither one thinking it safe to leave the others, especially when Haru came out that he was homosexual. After that, they became inseparable. From Aya scaring off the kids who thought it fit to bully Haru, to Kimi, who was always the nurse for Haru whenever he was injured. Haru wasn't useless of course. He was the glue, the one that kept them all together. Without Haru, Aya would still be in a gang, and Kimi would still be the quiet girl in the corner who was too scared to even speak. With each other's help, they got better and became a small family.

"I don't want to get up, i'm rather comfy." Aya closed her eyes once more, getting Kimi to give Haru a desperate look. Sighing, Haru handed Kimi his bag, and lifted Aya from her seat bridal style. This, of course, got Aya's eyes to shoot open as she began to shove at Haru's face. Giving a chuckle, Haru set Aya down, as she gave a huff, then sent a scowl towards Kimi, who only shrugged with a giggle.

"I told you to get up." She pointed out as she handed Haru his bag. Aya rolled her eyes as she slid her headphones over her ears, the sound of muffled music following soon after. "Anyway Haru, do you want to come over tonight and study for day two tests tomorrow? Since we all know Aya won't be there." Kimi teased the girl who stood cross armed, completely oblivious to the fact the small girl was talking about her. Haru just laughed, slinging his bag over his shoulder as he headed for the door, Kimi and Aya following after.

"I don't have any objections to the idea, besides, it'll give me something to do while my parents are at work." Haru gave a little shrug as he became caught in the middle between Kimi and Aya. The noise in the hallway came from other students who were just hanging around until their club activities started, and some were on clean-up duty for a certain class.

As the trio walked down the hallway, a few passerby's would eye them, point at Haru, snicker, and then talk to another student about it. It didn't bother Haru as much, but for Aya, it was a different story, "What's so funny?" She asked as she slid off her headphones and wondered over to the small group before Kimi or Haru could grab her. The group of students got quiet as Aya eyed them with thickly lashed, stone cold, green eyes.

"N-nothing." A small brunette, who was slightly taller than Kimi, muttered out an answer for the group.

"Then may I ask, why the hell you're pointing at Haru? Snickering at him?" Aya asked glaring at the small group of girls.

"I-we weren't." Another girl, this one with dark blue hair, straightened her shoulders, sounding much more confident than what her body language was telling.

"Really? You weren't? Well then i apologize, carry on then." Aya waved them off, and then joined the group.

"Aya, you don't know they were talking about me." Haru mumbled, linking his arm with hers.

"Pointing and laughing directly at you, tells me they were talking about you Haru. Don't be an idiot." Aya said with a sigh. Kimi, not liking the awkward tension, rushed to the front of the group, and stopped Aya and Haru in their tracks.

"Let's just forget about it, it's a nice day out and it's almost the end of the year. Let's enjoy it!" Kimi beamed, getting Aya and Haru to give small smiles of their own.

"She's right you know." Haru glanced over to Aya with soft blue eyes, his blonde fringe hanging in his eyes. With a flick of her finger, Aya moved the hair out of Haru's eyes, and gave a sigh.

"I know she is." She mumbled, unhooking herself from Haru's arm, "So then, are we going to Kimi's now, or what?" Aya asked, raising an eyebrow. Kimi gave a giggle while Haru gave a bright smile.

Together, they made their way to Kimi's house, just a few blocks away

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