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Morning classes were full of testing, and Aya didn't miss the bruise forming on Haru's cheek, and neither did Kimi. They went on a rant and lecture between classes, but when Lunch came around, the atmosphere grew awkward when Rem took a seat at the trio's table. Kimi and Aya exchanged looks, while Haru just smiled happily, and asked Rem how his day was going so far.

"Pretty good I guess. I've had to talk five times in front of classes, but the real bothersome part was following along." Rem crossed his arms, his eyes closed. He looked drained, and completely bored.

"Oh, really? Well how do you like the-"

"Um, Haru?" Kimi's soft voice interrupted the small conversation, but only one boy glanced over to the small girl.

"Yeah, Kimi?" Haru awaited Kimi's response, but Aya jumped in instead.

"Are you going to give introductions, or should we?" Aya picked up a fry from her tray, and twirled it between her thumb and pointer finger.

"Oh, right!" Haru gave a sheepish smile as he rubbed the nape of his neck, "Aya, Kimi, this is Rem. He's new, but I think that's obvious," Haru mumbled the last part, and continued on, "Rem, this is Aya," he said pointing to the scarlet haired girl with boredom written all over her face, "and this is Kimi." He motioned to the petite, bubblegum haired girl who sat across from himself.

Glancing over to Rem, Haru found his new friend eyeing both girls, before he closed his eyes again, "it's nice to meet you." He said cooly, to which Kimi smiled.

"He acts just like Aya." She pointed out, getting Aya and Rem to both give her a glance, "You both act so nonchalant, it's cool." Kimi beamed, as both Rem and Aya looked away, Aya putting on her headphones, and Rem closing his eyes once more.

"Not much of a difference from when it's just three of us, huh?" Haru smiled to Kimi, who nodded along.

"That's for sure," Kimi had a look of realization before she reached into her bag, and pulled out a flyer, sliding it across the table so it sat right in front of Haru. "Would you be interested in going? I would ask Aya, but you know how she is."

Glancing down at the flyer, Haru saw it was for a convention. The Tokyo International Anime Fair, to be exact.
"Oh no." Haru sighed with a chuckle, "I know how you are with these." Haru tapped his finger on the flyer, before it was snatched from its spot.

"An Anime convention?" Rem asked, raising a brow as he read the flyer over.

"Mhm! I absolutely adore them! I try to go to as many as I can, but these sticks in the mud never want to go with me." Kimi pouted as she pointed to Aya and Haru.

"We never want to go because you get so crazy with it." Haru defended as he gave a chuckle. Kimi only pouted more, before Rem set down the poster, and shrugged.

"I'll go with you." He commented, getting Kimi to literally jump from her seat.

"Really?!" She squealed, reaching across the table to grab Rem's hand that laid limp on the table.

"Uh, yeah," Rem ripped his hand away from Kimi's death grip, before giving a small smile, "despite what you think about my 'cool' exterior, i've actually been to a few of these." Rem nodded to the paper, before crossing his arms again.

"You've been to these before?" Haru asked, glancing over to Rem who, looked like the type who would never go to an anime convention. But he sighed, and decided not to judge this book for its cover.

"Yup. I went as Izaya from Durarara. He's a fairly chill dude, and people say I look kinda like him." Rem nodded along, agreeing to what he was saying, "a few friends from my old school were into this stuff and talked me into going, it was actually pretty cool." Rem added, as he rested his arms on the table.

"They really are, will you go with, too? Haru?" Kimi glanced over to Haru who gave a sigh, and then nodded.

"It can't hurt." He mumbled as he stood to dump his tray of food, that hadn't been touched much. He left Kimi and Rem talking as he made his way up the aisle of lunch tables. As he was about to dump his tray, a hand forcefully pushed up from under, causing hot soup to land on Haru's shirt. Giving a yelp as he dropped his tray to the floor, Haru fell to the ground, tears brimming his eyes at the stinging on his chest.

"Next time, stay out of my way, fag." Looking up, Haru found Masa hovering over him. Masa's dark hair fell into his hazel eyes, he wore a baseball letterman jacket over a white t-shirt, accompanied with blue jeans and black sneakers. Masa gave a low chuckle as he kicked Haru's tray out of the way and started to walk towards the trash bin.

"Hey asshole." Came a familiar voice. Looking over his shoulder, Haru found Aya standing behind him, her arms crossed and a deadly look twinkling in her pretty green eyes.

"Aw, is your little friend gonna protect you?" Masa snickered, sending a glance to his friends who hesitantly chuckled along, nervous looks crossing their faces. Masa never had to deal with Aya before, but the rest of his team did. There had been several times when some of the players couldn't participate in a game because Aya broke a wrist or an arm. You wouldn't believe how many lawsuits had been filed...

"If i was Kimi, then maybe i would say yes, but since i'm not," Aya's arm extended with godlike speed, connecting to Masa's jaw, putting the poor sap on his ass. When Masa came to seconds later, he was beyond pissed. He wiped the blood that trickled from his busted lip as he stood.

"I'm not scared to hit a girl." He hissed, voice filled with venom.

"Then grow a pair and hit me." Aya smirked as Kimi slid on the ground to Haru's side, and started to check him for injuries.

Masa gave his all, throwing punch after punch, but Aya ducked everything he sent her. When he was getting tired, Aya found an entrance, and kicked her leg up, sending Masa into the air, and halfway down the aisle. Kimi didn't hesitate to grab Haru's arm, help him up, and start to walk him towards the nurse's office. Rem was next to Haru in seconds, anger written all over his face as he continued to glance back at the fight. "Is this an everyday thing?" He asked, glancing to Kimi, who was starting to tear up.

"Everyday, except for Saturday and Sunday..." Kimi trailed off, looking to Haru with a sad smile.

"Bastards, that kid in the jacket made a complete ass of himself." Rem huffed as he stopped Kimi and Haru from walking, "take off your shirt." He ordered, getting Haru to look to Kimi nervously. She just shrugged to Haru before helping him take off his shirt. Rem unzipped his black jacket, and tossed it to Haru as Kimi took Haru's dirty soup stained shirt, and tossed it to Rem.

Rem didn't even hesitate when he threw it away.

Haru went to protest, but Rem gripped his arm as he tried to walk past, "it'll stink soon, and when you wear that shirt you'll just think of today. Don't." It was a warning with a harsh tone, but his eyes were soft, which caused Haru to sigh, and take a step back.

"You realize my entire wardrobe reminds me of different days i was bullied." Haru crossed his arms, Rem's jacket still hanging in his fist.

"Then we'll just have to take you shopping." Rem snatched his jacket from Haru, and helped him shrug it on.

"Why?" Haru asked as Rem zipped the jacket up to his chin, "so those shirts are stained with soup and tear stains?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"That won't happen. Not as long as you have Kimi, Aya, and myself around." Rem crossed his arms, as Haru gave a questioning look.

"Are you serious?" He asked, slowly shaking his head, "i'm not dragging you into the hell of being my friend. I already did that to Kimi and Aya." He glanced over to Kimi was gave him a sad smile.

"We enjoy helping you-"

"You think i care if you drag me to hell with you? I won't. I want to be your friend because there is something different about you. And different is one of the best things to be." Rem gave a scowl, before walking off, but not before calling over his shoulder, "get him to the nurse's office Kimi, i'm counting on you."

Kind of a crappy chapter i know. It's a slow start but we're working our way.
Hope you guys like this kinda filler chapter. Not my best, but enjoy,

❤️ Eliza

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