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The rest of the day carried out slowly, and Haru was more than happy when the final bell rang, signaling the end if the day.

After going to the nurse's office earlier, he had ointment and a wrap wrapped around his chest to stop any burning or irritation. His mom was kind enough to drop off a new shirt, so he wasn't bare chested in a jacket that was too warm for this particular day in spring. It had soft warm fuzz on the inside and smelt of light cologne.

Haru would be lying if he said he hadn't nuzzled up to smell it when no one was looking. And by "no one" he meant Kimi, Aya, and Rem himself.

As he grabbed his books from his locker, he stuffed Rem's jacket into his bag, and promised to wash it for him, and return it tomorrow.

"Haru!" Called a voice that Haru was happy to hear. Turning around, Haru found Aya making her way towards him, hands in her beige trench coat.
"No more problems today, yeah?" She asked, tossing her arm over his shoulder as he turned to walk with her down the hall.

"No, the rest of the day went great actually." Haru smiled a genuine smile, something his friends haven't seen in a while. Aya gave a lopsided grin of her own as she nodded. "How was your day?" Haru asked, knowing all too well she spent it with Principal Shimura.

After a teacher stopped the fight between Masa and Aya, Masa was escorted to the nurse's office, and later the hospital, as they found Aya had sprained his wrist, while Aya spent her day with the principal and her parents to determine a punishment for her.

"It went okay, he let me off easy surprisingly," she gave a laugh, "i only have to clean the halls for a month." She gave a shrug as Haru and herself stopped at the front doors.

"That's not too bad, better than the whole school, right?" Haru asked, giving a smirk, as one time when Aya stuck up for him, she ended up becoming a custodian, and had to clean the entire school herself. It wasn't fun for her, but the custodians really enjoyed their vacation.

"You're right, be safe on the way home, i saw Kimi as i passed her classroom, she was finishing something up so she might catch up to you. As for Rem... I don't know where he is." She gave an innocent shrug, before patting Haru's back, and then made her way back down the hall for her after school duty.

Haru sighed, pushing himself out of the double doors. It was warm out, but a faint breeze blew at Haru's hair as he made his way down the school steps to the main street, where he would walk home. Before he could even attempt to cut through the grass to get to the sidewalk faster, his bag was ripped from his hand. It was grabbed so forcefully, Haru fell back into someone.

Looking up, Haru found it to be one of the baseball players, but one he's never seen before. This one was larger and looked so deadly. He didn't hesitate to push Haru to the side so he landed on the concrete rather than the grass, but the impact would've been the same.

"Masa's in the hospital because of you, and because he's in the hospital, we can't play in the champion  tournament later today." The guy gripped Haru's shirt, and pulled him up, "i'm just wondering when you'll do us all the favor and kill yourself." He spat into Haru's face, before letting him drop again, this time, Haru's head connecting with the pavement. There was a loud thud, and Haru could feel a warm liquid from under his hair.

"Haru!" Came a hoarse male scream. The guy who had been tormenting him earlier jogged off, as Rem dove for Haru's side, and held up his head, finding a dark red crimson matting Haru's hair down. Rem made a sound from the back if his throat, that almost sounded like a cry, and an irritated sigh. Helping Haru up, he didn't hesitate to get Haru on his back. Once the two were in Piggyback formation, Rem bent down to grab Haru's bag, and then started to jog towards the hospital.

Haru's head bounced in a rhythmic pattern on Rem's shoulder, his eyes finding it hard to stay open. He closed his eyes slowly, the scent of Rem's cologne lingering into his nose. Haru gave a small smile as he slipped into darkness.


Rem bounced to get Haru better situated on his back, as he continued to jog to the hospital. He felt Haru's breath on the crook of his neck, and a shiver ran down his spine every time. It was true that Haru was handsome, and it may be true that Rem could have a forming crush on him, but he wasn't sure if he should do anything for it.

Sure Masa and those other baseball jerks could claim Haru was gay, but who could truly tell him, and be right, other than himself. And that was too personal of a question for now...

Unless he asked Kimi or Aya.

But Rem was pretty sure if he did that, Kimi would tell him to ask Haru himself, and Aya would possibly punch him without saying a word.

After re-situating Haru for a third time, Rem finally made it to the doors of the E.R. One look at Haru from the front desk lady, and nurses were flooding around them to take Haru away. Rem let them of course, but not after making sure they got the gist of being extremely careful with him.

Taking a seat in the small waiting room area, Rem rummaged through Haru's bag, and found his cell.

Scrolling through it, Rem found Kimi's number, and called her immediately.

"Hello?" She cheerily answered the other line on the third ring.

"Kimi? It's Rem, we have a problem..."


This feels really short, but don't worry, the love will float in the air soon. I have the best cliche love scene to go by, and although i don't really like cliche, cheesy things, i'm really excited to write this xD

Love you guys and hopefully, next chapter will be longer and more pleasing,

❤️ Eliza

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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