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Sighing, Haru made his way into school, his headache, and arm, getting worse. It wasn't fun to have a bloody nose this early in the morning either. Sadly, Aya wasn't there to protect him from Masa this morning, so his daily beatdown was inevitable. Masa was the big guy on campus, as captain of the baseball team, since that was pretty much the only sport the school funded.

Sliding into the boys bathroom, Haru grabbed a few paper towels from the container on the wall, and stuck it to his nose, pinching the bridge to help stop the bleeding. As he checked his complexion in the mirror, he noticed a light green spot on the apple of his cheek. A forming bruise. Haru internally cried, Aya will not be happy...

Disposing the dirty paper towel in exchange for a new one, he noticed a student he's never seen before leaning against the wall by the door. Noticing his stare, the guy gave a smirk, his wavy dark hair falling into his dark purple eyes. He wore a black jacket and crimson red shirt underneath it. He wore black skinny jeans, along with black converse. His tan skin was illuminated by the lights above, the shadows on his face making his features sharper than what they would be in a more softer light. Pushing himself off the wall, the student moved Haru's hand that held the paper towel, and using the other, grabbed another towel, and held it to Haru's nose for him. "You went through some damage, but if you hold the napkin like that, it won't stop bleeding," the guys voice was rough and smooth, almost husky, "tilt your head back." The guy demanded, Haru quickly following demand, but he tilted his head to far back, and started to cough from the blood making its way into his mouth. "Not that far back, idiot." Placing a firm hand on the back of Haru's head, he tilted it forward just enough so the blood wouldn't get into his mouth, but far enough back so the blood could stop trickling down so much.

"Thanks." Haru muttered, a light blush spreading over his cheeks at the realization of how close they were. The guy shrugged it off, his eyes holding no emotion.

"It's no problem, i'd rather do this than go talk in front of a class." The guy commented. This caught Haru's attention.

"You must be a new student then?" He asked, the kid nodding before answering verbally.

"Yup, the names Rem. Rem Fujita." Rem gave a charming smile, before moving the towel from Haru's nose, and then continued to inspect his nose, to see if the bleeding had stopped, "looks like you're all good..." Rem gave an expectant look to Haru, who quickly caught on.

"Haru, Haru Kimora." Haru stuck out a hand, to which Rem quickly acknowledged, by returning the gesture, and gave Haru's hand a firm shake.

"Well Haru, I only have one question." Rem hopped onto the sinks counter, and let his legs dangle off the ground, "how'd you end up with all this?" He asked, gesturing to Haru with a quick circular motion using his finger. Haru knew what he was talking about, the forming bruise, bloody nose, and the small cut on his collar bone that was barely visible now.

"Oh, these?" Haru asked, to which Rem nodded, crossing his arms, "just the typical thing, bullies." Haru shrugged it off, but Rem was curious. Haru, by just meeting him, seemed really nice. Rem couldn't think of a reason anyone would want to pick on him. But then he realized that was probably the reason, Haru was actually nice. And sometimes that doesn't sit well with others.

"Why're you bullied? If you don't mind me asking." Rem leaned against the mirror as he raised a brow.

"Oh, um..." Haru glanced away, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he shifted uncomfortably, "I'm kind of gay." Haru sighed, glancing over to Rem, only to find his eyes closed, a content look on his face.

"I see. So it's because you're homosexual then, hm?" Rem opened an eye, his purple orb falling on Haru, who nodded silently. "Well then the guys that bully you are complete idiots. Gay marriage has been legalized in the states and is practically a normal thing now." Rem hopped off of the counter, and moved past Haru, grabbing a bag beside the bathroom door that Haru hadn't noticed.

"You'd be surprised how unaccepting this school is with things like this." Haru gave a soft chuckle as he stuck his hands into the pocket of his hoodie.

"Being my first day at this school, i guess you're right when you say i wouldn't understand." Rem sighed as he followed Haru's example, and stuffed his hands into his pockets too.

"By the way, why did you start school now? It's within the last few weeks..." Haru made his way to Rem's side, curiosity taking over.

"Hm? Oh, that's because my dads job causes him to move a lot. And since both my parents work I can't be home schooled. So, whenever we move, I have to get transferred into a new school, no matter what time of the school year." Rem answered as a piercing sound echoed from behind the bathroom door.

"Oh no. Class started." Haru mumbled as he reached for the door handle. Before he could grab it, Rem grabbed his hand, and moved it away.

"Wait," he protested, a sheepish smile growing on his lips, "I have a question for you now." Rem let Haru's arm fall to his side as he let go.

"And that would be?" Haru asked, readjusting his bag in an antsy way.

"Could you show me to my first class?" Rem asked, taking a folded piece of paper from his pocket. He handed it to Haru, who quickly unfolded it, then skimmed it over.

"Looks like your classroom is next to mine... So we can just walk together..." Haru trailed off as he eyed the paper one last time, before handing it back to Rem, who gave a grateful smile.

"Thanks bud," This time, when Haru reached for the door, Rem didn't stop him, as they both walked out together, "oh and one more thing." Rem's voice echoed in the vacant hallway, gaining Haru's attention once more, "Mind if I sit with you at lunch or whatever? You're the first person i've talked to aside from that secretary in the office." Rem commented, poking a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the front office.

Haru chuckled before he gave a response, "sure thing, i'm sure Kimi and Aya will like you." Haru gave a smile of recognition, while Rem gave a look of confusion.


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