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Expectations hurt,

Feelings hurt,

I think I will shut myself up;

but these strong feelings of happiness,

always manage to engulf me;

I have seen heartbreak, i have known pain,

maybe that is the reason,

I can identify happiness;

I tried to tell my heart,

"Expectations are bad!"

so i started to deceive my heart and told myself,

"You won't be selected poor child.."

but when the results came before my eyes,

what can I say but, tears trickled down my eyes,

Weeping I was..

uncontrollably it was,

Feelings are troublesome,

even though I know that;

Strong feeligs like sadness,

always manage to make me sad;

Now peace established,

can I rest in peace...

Maybe I should grab the opportunity I think,

When it appears before me,

because it will not come twice;

Again happiness,hope,expectations and sadness,

Oh the cycle begins!

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