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"It's summer!" Minghao shouted at the very top of his lungs. "Woohoo! We must party!" Dino said while dancing crazily. Soonyoung shook his head, embarrassed by his friends. "Soonyoung, aren't you excited?" Jun asked. He was silent, unbelievably silent. "N-no. I'm very excited." Soonyoung said with a grin. "Very excited to see Summer Boy?" Jun asked while wiggling his eyebrows. Soonyoung nodded, while recalling the time he first saw Lee Jihoon a.k.a Summer Boy.


It was summer, the favorite time for all students that are lazy and tired of school. Soonyoung was happy too, he can dance all night. He hated going to places, it's tiring. But that's what his parents do when it's summer.

"Mom, are we going to somehwere again?" Soonyoung asked, now ready to groan. "No honey. Your father decided that we will just stay here and you can dance all day and night." His mom said. Soonyoung was suprised, because this is the very first time his parents said no. "Really?! Yesss! Thank you mom." Soonyoung said and pecked his mother's cheek. "Why are you saying thank you?" His mom asked while giggling. "I don't know. Okay mom, I'll go change." Soonyoung said and rushed to his room. He was changing clothes because he'll go to the practice room. But first, (lemme take a selfie, jk) he decided to drop by a cafe. He ordered his favorite drink and sat down by the near park.

It was quite, but there were some people chatting and children playing. He was on his own world when a guy approached him. "Um, excuse me?" The guy asked and Soonyoung looked up and saw a very cute looking guy. "Yes?" Soonyoung responded and the guy moved a little and he showed a paper. "Can you tell me where this address is? I'm kinda lost." Soonyoung read the paper and unexpectedly, it was street across his. "Oh, yes sure. It's the street across mine." Soonyoung said and he grabbed the guy's small wrist.

While they were walking, it was kind of awkward. "So, my name is Kwon Soonyoung. You?" Soonyoung introduced himself. "Hi. I'm Lee Jihoon." The guy- or Jihoon said. "So you're not from Seoul?" Soonyoung asked. "Nope. I'm from Busan. We go here in Seoul for vacations. " Jihoon answered. Soonyoung nodded his head and they continued walking, but now it's a comfortable silence.

"So, here is the street. Are you staying here?" Soonyoung asked. "Yeah, my parents said I'll just wait near the lamppost." Jihoon said and they were really near it. "Ah. Um, I'll wait with you here." Soonyoung said, scared that this little guy will get lost. Jihoon did not say anything but a nod.

After 10 minutes, Jihoon's parents arrived. "Thank you so much Soonyoung." Jihoon said while bowing. "It's okay. So, I'll see you around?"

"Hm, bye." Jihoon said while biding a goodbye to Soonyoung. Soonyoung smiled and he was waiting for the next day to come, to know Jihoon more, his new friend.

Days and days, they became close. And Soonyoung never knew he'd fall for the guy. But he can't just confess, it'll surely break their friendship.

"Um, Soonyoung, as you can see, school's almost coming. And I will be going back to Busan." Jihoon said, which made Soonyoung frown. "But don't worry, I'll come back. I told I'll go here every vacation. Don't miss me too much."

And Soonyoung's parents decided that they will not go to vacations anymore, knowing that Soonyoung has a best friend here which made his summer happy. Their families get along well too. They would go to dinner together. Or watch movies, but their parents would leave them, probably shopping all the way.

But of course, the fun would end when Jihoon would go back to Busan. But Jihoon promised that he would go there every summer.


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