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yas finally


I was extremely happy when I heard the good news. At last, I will be going out of this white prison!

"What's making you smile that wide huh?" Mom asked. It was already late night, and all of them was sleeping except me and mom. "Well, I'll be going out here, finally. I can't wait to see nature back." I said, doing the action of smelling the 'fresh' air.

"I'm excited too. Like, Jihoon will be studying at your school and don't forget, your dance troupe! And your dates with Jihoon!" She said excitedly.

I laughed at her cuteness. Really, my mom doesn't fangirl this hard. "We better sleep mom, it's late." I said and she nodded, heading to the couch. "Night son."

"Good night mom."

"Soonyoung." Someone whispered in my ear, causing me to wake up. I slowly open my eyes and I saw Jihoon with his usual cute smile. "We must prepare because we'll be going home soon." He added. I smiled and nodded. "Can you stand up?" He asked when I slowly got out from bed. "I'll try." I said and stood up little by little.

My legs were shaking and lost balance. Good thing Jihoon was there and caught me. "Be careful." He said while helping me get my posture again.

I stood up, and this time, I was able to walk. Slowly but surely.

"Oh, hey guys. Good walking there Soonyoung." Mr. Lee said when he got inside. The others follow, packing possible things that might be used.

"C'mon, let's get you changed." Jihoon said, grabbing the clothes on the table. I was still wearing the hospital dress so it would be nice to change into comfortable clothes.

"How's the shirt? I bought it for you." Jihoon asked. "I like it." I said and he chuckled. "Good to hear."

After a few hours, we were finally set to go home. "So, let's go!" Chan exclaimed, and finally I was able to smell the fresh air again.

"I missed this." I said, letting my arms go like the titanic.

"Well, Soonyoung, what are your plans?" Asked mom. We all got into the car. "School?" I said, more like a question. True, school was going to start soon.

The other four groaned. "Don't make us think about school. Summer isn't over yet." Chan said. "Maybe I can visit the dance room." I said, having another option. "Yeah, the dance troupe just dances the song you choreographed. They missed you." Jun hyung said. "Ah really? They make me look like I'm dead." I said and laughed, the others chuckling.

We arriver shortly at our house. "Take a seat everybody. I will be preparing snacks." Mom said. Mrs. Lee joined her in the kitchen. My dad and Jihoon's were watching whatever game on the t.v.

So, we, the kids just decided to go to my room. "Hyung, let us play your games." Minghao said. "Okay, but take care of the controller. Luckily, I have three." I said, entering my room. "Ha, nothing changed." I mumbled.

"Hyung, we will just play at the guest room. There's a tv there right?" Chan asked and I nodded to answer hid question. The three hurriedly walked out.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Jihoon asked. I shrugged my shouders. "Well, watch a movie?" I said. He nodded almost furiously, grabbing my laptop. "What movie?" I asked.

"Big Hero Six." He said. "Aw, you still like that movie?" I asked. He was really obsessed with Baymax like a lot.

"Yeah, never gonna get tired." He said cuddled with me.

The movie started and the same scenes were playing.

After, the movie ended. I heard Jihoon snore beside. "He's asleep already." I mumbled and position him to bed.

"Night Jihoon." I said and kissed his forehead. I laid down beside him, drifting to dreamland.


anyways im at the dentist rn 😖

okok i think some chapters left till this book is done.

and did i say seungkwan got a "girlfriend" in chapter 18?


you'll find out *insert evil laugh*

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