Seriously? whats going on!?!

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Peter slashed at you and you dodge every move. You could see that he was getting frustrated. Guess he thought you would be an easy kill. Knife fighting is not so easy, mainly because you have to get close to a person to get an effective blow. Peters was bigger and stronger so you had to use that against him. One false move and you were toast.
He was coming at you full force, you tried your best to avoid the blade.
He backed you up against the wall. You slashed at his face, slightly cutting him on the cheek. That only made him angrier, and in the anger he found more strength. He punched you. Your head boucing off the wall. Somehow you dropped your knife. He dropped his and began to choke you. "I'm going to enjoy watching the light go out in your eyes" he said in a menacing voice. You gasped and clawed at his hands and forearms, struggled to set yourself free. You wanted to call for help but couldn't. The lack of oxygen started to take its toll. You reached for anything that could save you on your utilities belt, but it was like you couldn't grab a hold of anything. You were starting to loss consciousness. Before you know it, you're free and Peters in laying on the floor unconscious. You fall to your knees gasping for air. You look up and see Cruz standing over you. He extends a hand, you take it. "Thank you" you say between breaths.
Still panting, you ask "where's Clint." He shrugs. What you didn't know is Clint ran into some trouble himself and somehow he broke his com and has no way of communicating with you. "We have to find Clint" you say to him.
Though he just saved your life, you still didn't trust him. You picked up your gun and knife and also took Agent Peters weapons as well. The both of you set off to find Clint.
Clint was in the middle of fighting two hydra agents when you finally found him in what seemed to be a room full of computers.
Cruz easily took out one Agent and Clint finished off the other.
"I've been trying to contact you! I was so worried" you said as you hugged him.
"Im sorry, one of those assholes tassed me and I guess it shorted my com. What's going on?" He said when you let him go.
"Randell and Peters were double Agents. I contacted Fury and I've gotten no response." You said. He rubbed the back of his neck. "And the prisoner?" He asked
"Dead" you replied.
"Well, that's not good." He says as he sarcastically rolls his eyes.
"Peters almost killed me. If it wasn't for Agent Cruz I'd be a goner." You say as you rub your neck where you could still see the after math of your fight with Peters.
"We should get out before they trick the alarm. We don't have anyway to get back up. This place is crawling with Hydra Agents" said Clint. You both nod and follow him.

You all discreetly make your way to the QuinJet. Once there, you strap in but you never take off. After a minute you head to the cockpit to see what's going on. "So, let's shake a leg! What are you waiting for?" You ask.
"The fuel line was cut. And there's extensive damage to the engine. Its like they knew we were coming and didn't want us to leave. I tried to radio headquarters but all I get is dead air" said Clint.
"So we're on our own?" You asked.
"I'm afraid so" he replied.

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