Benefits of membership

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(May have updates in the future)

This is what y'all been waiting for isn't it? Well here it is, the benefits of being a member of the SSOA:

1. You get to create your very own alpaca.

2. Your alpaca will be personally drawn by me (so amaze, very art, yay).

3. You will be able to participate in roleplays, secret meetings, missions, toilet conventions, etc.

4. You will also be a part of the book "Alpacas against Assholes" written by ShortBirxd where she documents our alpaca adventures. Go check it out :D

5. You will be able to join a wonderful community of alpaca loving people, talk to them and make new friendships.

6. Killing of Lamas and/ or lama related people will not be charged with prison but please... don't go off killing stuff without permission.

7. If you are experiencing problems of any kinds like:
- sadness
- post-fictional-charackter-death-depression
- depression
- illness
- weird thoughts
- evil thoughts
- a feeling as if somethings crawling up your spine
- people behind you
- weird things in mirrors
- floating things
- suicidal thoughts
- no appetite
- amnesia
- not finding stuff where you put it
- visions
- harmful thoughts
- dreams of jesus slapping you with a giant fish
- dreams of chickens
- dreams of war
- sharks
- disappearing socks
- crying
- mental breakdowns
- breakdowns in general
- stairs
and/or other life threatening/ complicating situations, you will be able to talk to me (and every other carepaca) so that we can help you solve it peacefully and give you support in your times of need.

8. You will get a special alpaca codename to protect your real username from the lamas (High Alpaca, Shades Alpaca, Pigeon Alpaca, etc.)

9. Depending on your rank you will have special rights, abilities, will be let in on more secrets.

10. Every alpaca has a voice that will be heard. Public votings on special things will be held and every member will have the right to vote for their opinion.

11. The more effort and time you put into the SSOA, the more different positions and carrier paths you'll be able to take on. Different positions will give you different rights and abilities.

12. You will be allowed to do your own book about our society (as long as you don't trash talk or critique it). AJ is currently the official documenter of the history of the SSOA in her book, so any other documentations are only allowed with mine and her permission. If you want to make a fan book, fan fiction, etc. about the SSOA go ahead but please credit the two creators AJ and me, and also tell us about it so we can check it out :D

Ok, these are the benefits for now, I might add/ change some of them as the system of the SSOA progresses.

- High

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