Day 2

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Start of the day a story yay!


Emmas POV

"Good morning!!" My sister and dad yells

I smell something good as they opened the door

I wake up, brush my teeth, comb my hair, walk downstairs and there it was, a huge stack of cho chip pancakes and bacon, ugh why does my mother do this to me, either or I have one slice of bacon and 2 pancakes and then I walk upstairs.

I change into a simple mint green dress, a messy bun, grab my pool bag then head outside.

It was 90 out so I was dying, thankfully I wore a dress, I leaped on my bike and rode to the pool.


Taylor's POV

My mom yelled to tell me to get up, my sister yelled to reinforce it, gosh I'm 16 I can wake up when I want!

My dad is at work, my mom was about to leave, she made eggs and toast, glad I woke up though kinda want breakfast,

I read Emma's diary at the table after my sister and mother left.

I read out loud "Taylor is the cutest boy ever, what If I marry him, no no no he'd never marry ME I mean really Emma he hasn't even paid attention to you ever"

I gasp and think 'Do I really act like I'm ignoring her, wow I need to pay more attention'

I brush my teeth wash my hands and dry them by running them through my hair, get into my swim shorts and skateboard to the pool. But when I get there something happened...


Emma's POV

So I get to the pool and chat with Katie my best friend who I've known for years almost my whole life, she was black, she was 5'2 she was sweet and wore glasses, sometimes she called me mom not purposefully just once in a while when she hung out with her mom a lot, but she liked calling me mom.

I walk to the diving board and talk to Katie "So I have huge news!!" I say excited but quiet

"What is it" Katie looks around

"It's Taylor"

"What about him?"

"He came over yesterday, and is mowing our lawn this summer"

"Oh my gosh that's great... No offense but he hangs out with my brother and there both ultra weird"

"Eh so am I " I say on the diving board

I jump but hit my knee on the board and fall hard into the water, trying to breath I swim up but go down faster.

"Emma!!! Oh my god where's the life gard" I hear Katie yelling

Katie's to small to get me above water so she runs around trying to find someone there's blood everywhere


Taylor's POV

Oh my Gosh it's Emma, goodness now I get to be the superman,

I run off my skateboard and jump into the water grabbing Emma and pulling her above water.

I hear a loud scream "Taylor she's not breathing" it was Katie sobbing

"Mouth to mouth"

I hold her nose and do mouth to mouth, gosh this is sad how I kiss her after I read how much she likes me, this is mouth to mouth but gosh she is mad about me.

"Huuuuuuu" I hear from Emma from breathing in

"thank God your okay Em" I grab her for a hug

"Tay-Taylor" I hush her so she can catch her breath

"She took her bike Tay" Katie said

"Okay ill run and grab my truck, I'll be right back" I ran home as fast as I could, it's so nice living 1/2 mile away from the pool!

I came back put her bike into my truck and my skateboard and drove to her house

"Taylor, Tay-lor..." She stuttered "thanks for helping me out there"

"No problem Em! You could've died I had to do something!"

"Thanks a lot Taylor"

"You're welcome" I say and keep driving

"Em, are you're parents or siblings home?"

"No" she says blankly

"I'm staying until they come I don't want anything to happen!ok?"

"Ok." I hear a light embarrassment sound in her voice

I carried her in and put her in bed and sat on a chair next to her waiting for her parents or brother got home


Emma's POV

"Huuuuuu" I breathed

And the next thing I knew I was stuttering and went black then I was in Taylors truck !

"Taylor, Tay-lor"

"Thanks" and then it all went blank

The next thing I knew was I was in Taylor's arms his shirt was off I was tired so I fell asleep in bed and he was holding my hand

Is this a dream cuz it sure as hell seems like it, whatever I need sleep and I just keep holding his hand and dosed off.

Two Years Til I dieWhere stories live. Discover now