Day 8

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Hey guys its been so busy lately I haven't even even able to sit down but the story must be written!


Emma's POV

"Taylor... you mom called and said you have to go home, I'm sorry ill cya later hun!"

"Okay it's okay i WILL be here everyday I promise!"


"I'll grab my stuff"

He grabs his stuff and grabs my hips and passionately kisses me... then slides his hands up and hold my face I start to have tears run down my face, and whisper when he's done

"I love you..."

"Em' I love you too and I don't think I could ever be taken away from you..."

I cry, and just can't breath and hold him and dig my face in his shoulder And kiss his beautiful cheeks as I get them wet and salty with tears.

"Please you should go before I break!"

"Okay hunny I will be back later to check on you!"


He walks out the door and smiles as I see one single tear run down his face and he closes the door and I run to my room to watch his car leave, he drives away and I hold my big bear I got years ago and cry, and start thinking

How could Taylor's mom make him come home how could she even think hell he okay at home maybe I should call her... No that's stupid ugh!

I make breakfast and then sit and watch TV.

One week, that's all it's taken for him to fall for me one. And I've been dreaming of him for years, wow.

So I am just about to walk out the door and Taylor drives up and runs to the door and grabs me and picks me up and throws my legs around his waist as he digs his face into my chest telling me he missed me its only been 4 hours

"I missed you a lot my mom was being such a bitch and the police arnt going to come over unless something else pops up witch they said they doubt but mom isn't going to be home for until the end of the summer like your mom to get her head on" he starts to look into my eyes and still holding me like im just a feather.

"So are you staying here?!!??"

"Yes babe!"

"So your my boyfriend now?!"

"Well... I've never had a girlfriend and I don't know how it works but I'd like to try!!!"

"Okay" I smile and hold him and slip my legs off from around his waist

"Let's just be an awesome couple for the rest of the summer! Then on after that!"

"Alright! So what do you want to do first?!"

"Anything lets just sit in bed for a wile and talk or we can go to the pond and talk!"

"Okay hun!!"

"I'll get my sweater!" I smile


Taylor's POV

I get home and there my mom is sitting on her ass and she seems sad but I know she works alot and she looks up and sees I'm home

"Hey sweetie" she says as sweetly as I've seen her talk

"Hey mom" I say in the mood

"Im sorry I have to leave for a while baby, can you stay with Emma?"

"I think she wouldent mind, her mother sure didnt. Where are you going?"

"Im going somewhere, anywhere other than here I dont know but I need to be alone babe and you dad is going to be here and back and I dont want anything to happen otherwise I'd have you stay here just get you things and go to emmas I love you!"

"Okay mom cya later!"

As soon as i got off of the phne i rushed to Emmas, it had been  four horrible hours without her. But at least i get to see her now, i my car blasting music and i speed alittle, but i didnt want to get caught so i took the highway and went with traffic.

I ran into emmas house as i pick her up unto my arms and i burry my face into her chest, then tell her im staying.

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