When Rivals Collide

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The blast the figure had fired caused a large explosion in the forest, dust filling the air around the two. The being scanned the area, wanting to know if she was still alive. Once the dust cleared up, Yara was standing there, panting as her arm was covered in blood, and wounds were all over her body. The figure smirked at this, and began to chuckle.

"Well then... You actually manage to survive that." He smirked.

"JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!" Yara shouted as her eyes began to glow red.

"I'm pretty sure that pathetic doll mentioned me to you."

"So that means... You must be Darkness..." She growled.

Darkness chuckled. "Correct. Guess you aren't that dumb after all~"

Yaras blood red eyes glowed brighter and brighter, as some dark energy began to surround her body. Darkness could sense how unstable her powers were, which he thought would give him an advantage. Yara charged at the corrupted being at full speed, throwing a punch at him, but he easily stopped her. Getting caught off guard, she made an attempt to blast him, and she succeeded, but it wasn't enough to even send him flying. He was only sent back a slight bit.

Yara was shocked. He was THAT powerful?! This wasn't good, and she was barely getting use to these powers. She didn't have any control over them. No training or anything!

Darkness laughed as he then striked the hazel hedgehog multiple times, before blasting her, and causing her to crash down to the ground, leaving a large crater... And he was only using 10% of his power...

Yara tried to get back up as her entire body was covered in her own blood. She panted heavily as she tried to stay awake for a bit longer, but... Her vision began to blur... Everything hurt... It was over... That was when she passed out. Darkness went towards the injured hedgehog and grabbed her by the throat, about to end her suffering, until something had hit him. Darkness turned around, and saw who had hit him.

"You better let her go or else, Darkness!" Death growled as the rest of the team backed him up, seeing all the damage around them, and seeing one of their teammates, injured.

Darkness sighed as he dropped the body. "I don't have time to deal with your pathetic excuse of a team. I only came here to make sure I found the right person... And it seems like I have..." He looked back at the bloody hazel hedgehog, then turned back to face Death and the others. "I'll be back for a rematch against HER, but in the meantime..." The being snapped his fingers, and Mephiles appeared beside him. "You'll have to deal with HIM! Have fun~" And with that, Darkness vanished.

Mephiles glared at Death and his team, as he charged at them. Deaths hand then got surrounded by lightning as he striked. While the two fought, Angelica and Cassie took Yara somewhere safe so she wouldn't get hurt anymore, and so they can heal her. Once she was healed and all cleaned up, Yara woke up, and noticed that Death and the others were gone. Angelica and Cassie told her to stay here, but Yara refused, and ran off to where Death was.

Once she got there, she saw the battle against Mephiles and Death, and sadly, Mephiles was winning. Death tried to get back up, but he stomped on his back, almost breaking it. Death groaned in pain, as he continued. Yara, angered and sick of feeling useless, took her sword out, and charged at Mephiles. She managed to send him flying back, so she helped Death, and gave him a small smile. Death wasn't happy with this though, so instead of thanking her, he growled at her and went back to fighting against Mephiles. Yara though, didn't want to just stand there and do nothing, so every once in a while, she would jump in and help, no matter how many times Death said not to interfere.

Eventually, Mephiles was finally brought down. Death looked down at him, and had a devilish smirk on his muzzle. "Now I don't EVER want to see you or any of Darkness' allies ever again. If you come back... We'll be ready, and you better enjoy your last moments alive~" After he said that, he left, and everyone sighed in relief. Yara put her weapon away, and looked over at Death, hoping he was alright after the fight, and wondering what he would do or say after interfering. Death glared at her, and slapped her across the face. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?! Trying to stop Darkness, and trying to help me?! Your powers are unstable for crying out loud! I was fine on my own, and there was no need for you to interfere! IDIOT!"

"Death, don't hurt her! She was only trying to help!" Kyle shouted at him as he went by Yaras side. A single tear rolled down Yaras muzzle, but she then wiped it away, and glared at Death.

"What is your problem?! I've been trying to help for a VERY long time now, and you just push me away!" Yara snapped at him.

"I don't need YOUR help! You have never been capable of doing ANYTHING, and NOW you think you can help, just because you have powers?! How pathetic can you be?!" Death snapped back.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Kyle shouted as he split them up, and the two stared at him in shock. The rest of the team simply watched all of this happened.

Death let out a frustrated sigh as he looked over at the hazel hedgehog. "Why do you still think you're capable of being a hero?... Capable of helping us... Saving lives, and stopping Darkness, or any other threat that appears?... I only let you in the team because we've known each other for years. You were all I had left back then, but you can't do anything right!"

"Shut it..."

"You have never been capable of fighting back. You have never been capable of defending yourself. What's the point?!"

"Shut it!..."

"Face it Yara, I know I said I was sorry, and I wanted to protect you, but now, I take it back. You will NEVER be a hero!"

"I said SHUT IT!" She shouted as she punched him in the face. The others gasped, and so did Yara. She backed away, shaking. "I-I didn't mean to do that. I-I was just... a-and..."

Death started laughing, as he smirked, and looked over at her. "So that's how it's gonna be, huh? Well then... So be it!" He said as he went towards her, and attacked. Yara quickly got her sword out and blocked his attack right on time.

"Death please! I don't want to fight you!"

"You said you wanted to be a hero, right? You want to prove that you're capable of defeating any threat that gets in your way, right?! Then show me..." Lightning surrounded his hand.

"Prove to me that you are worthy of becoming a hero!"

To be continued...

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