Sibling Rivalry

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Death glared at Yara as he got ready to strike. Yara didn't want this, but if she was going to prove herself, then she had no other choice. The ebony hedgehog charged at her at full speed, and striked. Yara made an attempt to dodge his attacks, or at least block them, but failed miserably, and got hit. Death smirked and kicked her hard in the gut, making her spit out blood, and get thrown back.

The rest of the team watched in shock as this happened, and as the battle continued, they wanted it to stop... especially Kyle. He tried to step in and stop the fight, but Catrina stopped him. "Just let them be... I know things look bad, but if I know Death, he must be planning something..." The wolf said. The panda sighed, and continued to watch...

Death watched Yara as she smashed against a tree, her head now bleeding. She growled and got back up, not caring that she was losing blood, and fast. Her grip on her sword tightened as she charged at him, and swung her sword at him. Death dodged her attacks with ease, but was then suddenly hit by one of Yaras flames. She smirked, her confidence building up, but went back down as she heard Death laugh, and once her guard was down, he punched and kicked her multiple times, till the sword was knocked out of her hand, and to the point she could barely stand. Yara was now covered in bruises. This was almost impossible. No one has ever beaten Death, and at this rate, there was no way in hell that Yara would be able to.

Yaras legs shook as she tried to stay standing. She panted as she looked over at Death, who had his arms crossed, and a disappointed look on his face. She gritted her teeth, and went towards him, wanting to prove that she wasn't weak. That she was capable of stopping this new threat. She wanted to show Death what she was made of... but all of that came to an end as Death hit her a few more times, and then electrocuted her, causing her to collapse. She couldn't move... she couldn't feel anything... her vision was blurry... she wasn't able to prove herself... this was it...

"... You know... I actually thought you could defeat me... I guess I was wrong..." The ebony hedgehog said as he stepped on her back.

"DEATH THAT'S ENOUGH!" Kyle snapped. Everyone's eyes were now either focused on Death, or Kyle. "Just let Yara be!... Let Angelica and Cassie heal her. At this rate, she might--"

"SHUT IT!" Death snapped back. "She's not gonna die despite how weak she is, she'll be fine..." He looked down at the injured hedgehog, and gave her a small kick. "Get up..."


"Get. Up."


"Ugh... I told you... I said you weren't capable of fighting, and that you couldn't be a hero, but you didn't listen to me!... You NEVER listen!..." He growled.

Still no response. He rolled his eyes, and started to walk away, until he noticed that Yara was trying to get back up, despite everything she went through. Kyle went towards her, helped her up, and told her that it's best if they head back so she can rest but she refused. She told Kyle to let go of her. He hesitated for a moment, but did as told, and let her go. Yara was exhausted. She could barely stand. She could barely move, but she didn't care. "I'm not giving up..." She said.

"... Really? Yara--"

"I'll prove to you... That I can be strong... one last battle... please..."

Death looked down and let out an irritated sigh. "... Fine..." He said as sparks formed around his fist. Despite the huge amount of pain coursing through her body, Yara grabbed her sword, and went towards Death, as she continued to TRY and land another hit on him, but to no avail. Death grabbed her arm and pulled back on it as he pinned her down. "This is getting ridiculous... give up!..."

"I... won't..." She said as she slowly got up, that same spark when she fought Tails Doll igniting in her once again. Her eyes flashed red for a second, and once she got up, she pushed Death away, flames surrounding her body. "I'll show you... and I won't back down!... No holding back!"

Death smirked, "Now that's more like it!~ Alright..." His hands sparked, "BRING IT ON!"

Adrenaline. So much adrenaline was pumping in Yara's veins right now. That spark made it feel like the chains that were holding back her powers just snapped, and now, she was ready to kick ass!

Death was rather surprised. Fire was in the girls eyes... quite literally. No matter. He could take care of this easily! ...Right?

Yara began tossing balls of fire at Death, a good majority of them hitting their target, others setting trees ablaze. This fight was getting more heated by the second!

Death growled, launching beams of lighting in the female's direction. Though, they were nothing but mere distractions. He sprinted forward, smacking her into a burning tree that was now nothing more than a blazing stump.

Surprisingly, she just shrugged it off and began swinging her sword. But now, presumably to that spark, she was slashing with a lot less predictability and so much more speed. A few cuts landed on Death's chest, his blue jacket now ripped and stained with blood. Yara wasn't doing too bad...

Death growled in anger and pain as he felt a good amount of blood flow from the slashes that would most likely remain scars to remind him of this fight. He lunged forward, but was stopped by Yara's claws that slashed his cheek. She followed this up by kicking his head, sending the male flying back into the dirt.

He growled, covered in blood, his clothes ripped.

"Now you're gonna get it, dammit!" He said with thunderous rage. Death formed large lighting bolts in his hands.

Yara just glared, using up the final bit of that sparks adrenaline rush to form equally huge fireballs. They charged, a HUMONGOUS explosion going off as the fire and lightning collided.

The part of the forest they were fighting in was no longer beautiful. It was mere ash and fading fire. Yara and Death were currently bloody, unconscious bodies in desperate need of healing.

The team quickly rushed over to the two unconscious bodies, Angelica and Cassie patching up their wounds. Death was the first to regain consciousness. He sat up and looked around at his surroundings, only to find nothing but ash. He looked over at Yara, and looked back at the cuts on his chest. He was very surprised. Maybe... Maybe she IS worthy. Once Yara woke up, Death helped her up, and smiled.

"Heh, guess I underestimated you there. It seems you have potential, but your powers are still a bit unstable... would you be interested in training with me?" After hearing that, Yara's eyes widen in complete shock. Was... Was he serious?! Seeing the look in Yara's eyes, Death laughed and nodded.

"O-Of course! I-I'd love to!" She beamed with joy. And so, her training began...

To be continued...

(Thank you DannyTheRPer for helping me out with this chapter. Love you!!!~)

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