Corrupt Nightmare

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The whole team was sleeping peacefully, and everyone was having lovely dreams... except for Yara... she was having another nightmare. The same nightmare as a matter of fact. Since her training began, she has been having nothing but nightmares, and that wasn't a good sign. Yara looked around what once use to be her home, only to find a wasteland, flames everywhere, and everyone she knew and loved... dead... Seeing this, she fell to her knees and broke down. This went on for a few minutes, till she saw someone approach her. It was Darkness... what was HE doing here?! He wasn't in any of her previous nightmares.

"Enjoying the show?~" Darkness smirked as he looked around. Yara growled quietly, and got up. At this point, her eyes were blood red, and this seemed to catch Darkness' attention. "Now, what's with that look? I thought you would like this~"

"What makes you think I'd like any of this?!" Yara snapped. Darkness sighed and shook his head.

"Wasn't this your thing Sonia? You loved seeing everyone die right before your eyes... and there will be plenty more corpses around, and plenty more souls to devour... if you join me." He spoke. Sonia?... That name sounded familiar... but... as Yara thought, blood suddenly started to run down her mouth. She fell to the ground, as she started coughing up more and more blood by the second, dark energy surround her, and her vision slowly became a blur. Her appearance started to change... she wasn't... herself... the last thing Yara remembers, is someone laughing... it wasn't Darkness, that's for sure, but it was... someone else...

Yara gasped as she jolted up from her bed, beads of sweat rolling down her face. She panted and looked out her window. It was morning. She took a deep breath and got out of bed, got dressed, and went to meet the others. As she went downstairs, she could already hear all the chaos going on in the living room. Catrina arguing with Travis, Max arguing with Kyle, Angelica and Cassie... Eh, they're alright... Yara tried to calm down Catrina and Travis... Nothing... She tried to calm down Max and Kyle... Nothing as well... Death saw the whole thing, and after a while...

"THATS ENOUGH ARGUING!" Death snapped, and the arguing had finally stopped. The ebony hedgehog took a deep breath, looked over at Yara, and started, "Now, Catrina has been hearing some rumors about a shadowy figure in the forest. They've been causing nothing but destruction. The people who made these rumors also have been hearing strange noises--"

Aaaaaaaand here comes Cassie-- "You mean like this?!" The girl screeched loudly, sounding as if helium filled her lungs.

Death and everyone else jumped and backed away, before he said, "N... No... not exactly, but good try."

"You think its Darkness?" Max asked, but Death shook his head.

"Its not Darkness... It's probably Mephiles... Max, Kyle, Yara, you guys should get ready to head out and find out if it IS Mephiles, and stop him." They all nod. Max and Kyle leave to get ready, but Yara stays behind. She looked down and started thinking about what happened in her nightmare. She had SO many questions, but they weren't going to be answered if shes just standing around. Before she left to get her stuff, Death placed his hand on her shoulder. Death was fully aware of her nightmares, and he had a bad feeling about them. "Look... I know I've been training you, and this is gonna be your first actual mission, but... please... be careful..."

"I will... Don't worry." Yara smiled and gave him a hug before grabbing her stuff, and going with Max and Kyle.

To be continued...

A/N: This chapter was suppose to be longer, but after discussing this with DannyTheRPer we agreed to leave it off at this, and add the rest in another chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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