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on the outside, I seem fine

just like everyone else



but when i get home, alone

i fall apart

no one knows what a simple word

a single action

can do

some days, i want to disappear

for no one to notice me

but many more

i wish someone


would notice

that i'm not really "ok"

that someone would see

what i hide

every single day

i want,

i need,

someone to look me in the eye,

after i say "i'm fine",

and say

"i know you're not"

and hug me tightly.

so tight

that maybe my broken pieces

will fix themselves again

// Another poem by me, kinda 'low key' pissed off at my friends. They meet in the band hall in the morning now, and therefore I can't go in and see them. woo. So, yeah...

"If I tell you I need you, do not take it lightly. I do everything I can to never have to depend on anyone, to never show weakness, and if I say that I need you, it means I am trusting you to catch me when I fall."

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