Chapter 3: Let's Play A Game

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"First we need to get more gas." Dean says as we drive out of my street.

I don't even look back at my house, I'm so glad to be gone.

"What are you going to do if we get caught by the cops and they ask for your licence?" I ask looking out the window at my neighbor Mr. Drake, who is currently watering his lawn, hoping he won't notice Dean and wonder why he's driving.

"I'm an amazing driver so it doesn't matter, plus, we look old enough to drive," Dean turns to the main road, "Jake, can you pass me the map?" Jake turns on his phone and gets the GPS out.

"We have about 3 days to get to San Francisco, so maybe Noah, Jake and I can change shifts for driving."

"What! What about me??" Patryk says outraged.

Dean shrugs, "You would probably get us killed, Patryk."

"Jake doesn't even know how to drive." Kyle adds.

"Yeah, but I'm cooler and I'm not an idiot like you." Jake laughs darkly.

Kyle actually looks hurt. I always felt like there was a certain tension or something between the two of them, Kyle and Jake, but Jake causes tension wherever he goes so...

"I'm officially bored." Patryk states, opening a bag of lays.

"Hey! We need to save all our food!" Dean says.

"But I'm hungry." Patryk says through a full mouth of chips.

"So Noah," Jake looks at me with a smug glare, "Have you talked to Rachel lately." He laughs again.

"No. I would've tonight but you guys came up with this great idea." No sarcasm there. I would trade a party with my crush for a road trip with my squad any day, and I'm not sure most people would agree on that.

"Well, let's see, Dean is right now the only one who currently has a girlfriend, surprisingly." Jake says.

"Correct," Dean says keeping an eye on the road, "Wait, what do you mean surprisingly?" Dean says highly offended.

The rest of us just trade glances with each other silently.

"And he's actually had a girlfriend for the longest then any of us." I point out. We've all had girlfriends before. But they never last long. We're still only in high school. But Dean and Cassidy have been dating for almost year now. They started dating on a pool party on his birthday last August. They only reason why I memorize this day is because it's when I got hit by a car and broke my arm for the rest of the summer. But I've obviously recovered since.

"When will we get through new York?" Kyle ask, looking around. I think we're all bored af by now. And with nothing to do until we get out of this awful town, we've been sitting and staring out windows.

"Soon, but we'll have to stop near the border of New York to sleep." We're quite for a few minutes then Jake has to say something weird again.

"Who do you think is the most likely to die first out of all of us in a zombie apocalypse?" Jake says looking back at all of us.

Hmmm.... tough one.

Dean and Patryk immediately say in unison, "Kyle."

"Wow. Real wow," He says glaring at both of them, "I think Jake would definitely get killed first since he has so many-" Jake shoots him a deadly glare before he can finish. Ok......

"Um, I would have to go with Kyle, yeah. Sorry," I say, glad no one picked me.

"Can't believe none of you said Patryk, he would be my first guess." Jake says looking at Patryk who is halfway through a box of chocolates.

"Haha nope. I have to much skill to die." Patryk says to preoccupied with the chocolates to even worry about the conversation anymore, "Even if I did, I would just respawn." We all laugh at that, while Patryk opens yet another box of chocolates.

So much for the idea of saving food. After a few more minutes I look at the clock and it's already 11:19 and the sky is dark. We pass a road sign and we are officially out of our town.

"Yes, we made it," Dean says, glancing at the GPS, "I think there is a camping area around the edge of the next town. We could get their by 12:00. I'll need to get up early if we're gonna get to California in time."

So we continue our silent journey through an extremely boring town with barely any cars passing.

"Ok everyone, let's play a game." Jake says. He's always starting random games between us.

"Yes, I this town is literally sucking the life out of me." Patryk says sitting up from his slouched pose.

Kyle also perks up at this since he's been spending the last 30 minutes scrolling through Instagram.

"It's called, 'who do you have a crush on'." Jake laughs once again. He obviously finds himself extremely hilarious.

"Who goes first?" Kyle ask.

"We'll go in order of who's oldest." Jake says looking at Patryk.

"Awesome! I'm first." Patryk exclaims. But his excitement is short-lived when he realizes that he actually has nothing to tell us. It's too bad since he never has a crush on anyone.

"Yeah, no one right now." Patryk says still thinking.

"Ok, me next," Jake says leaning to look back at us from his seat, "But you all know."

And he's right, Jake has had a crush on the same girl for as long as I have known him, I think. Her name is Lilia Hayden and he is literally in love with her, but he would never tell her. Ever. Even when he has a girlfriend, he breaks up with them shortly because Lilia is the only one he ever really wants.

"You should really talk to her sometime." I say. We're always trying to convince him to talk to her. And it's not like he's nervous to talk to her or anything, he's just weird like that.

"Sure," he replies, "Anyway your next."

"Um. Rachel Troy." Which again isn't a surprise. "Guys, there is literally no point in this game, we already know everything about each other."

"True, except, Kyle!" Jake points out.

But before we could interrogate him we reach the camp sight. I've been here a few times with my parents, but right now, this place gives me the creeps.

When we get deeper into the woods we find an empty spot next to a circle of trees.

Dean stops the engine, "I'm sooo tired. We should all get to bed." He says as he opens the door to the trailer.

I open my door to and step out into the cool night air. It's dark out but still not too dark and the trees cast an eerie blue shadow across the campsite.

Once we all finally get into the trailer, the light shocks me since we had been in the dark but my eyes adjust soon.

Patryk goes to his designated spot on the top bunk. Jake called the queen bed before any of us can get to it.

So I'm sleeping under Patryk and Kyle is sleeping on the pull out bed next to Dean. The lights are off and I can hear crickets from outside.

I look out the window but soon regret it when my eyes start playing tricks on me and turn the shadows into figures. I look away, facing the other bunks.

Dean is already asleep and so is Patryk. Jake is just laying on the bed. I don't think he ever really sleeps. I can see a dim light from Kyle's phone as he puts in his earbuds.

An hour passes when my eyelids start getting heavy and I finally drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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