Last Dance Chapter 10

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Today is Clarissa's free day; likewise for Cindy. They were lounging in Camille's room. Doing nothing. What is there to do in a cold November afternoon.

"You're doing it again." Camille says out of the blue.

"Doing what?" Cindy asks.

"You're twirling your pendant again. You're thinking about him." Camille points out while sipping on her mango juice.

*The pendant CIndy was twirling was a small, golden, heart-shaped necklace. It was marvelously stunning; however, it was broken in half. I short inscription was written inside. If one didn't look closely, you wouldn't be able to see it.

"God cam. I saw him the other day. At hi parents' grave." Cindy says burrying her face in her arms.

"Really? What did you do/say to him?" Camille asks suddenly getting excited.

"Nothing. I just ran away and drove to your recording session." She says disbelievingly

"Why?" Camille asked in a disappointed voice.

"I got scared, Rissa. I mean, if you see Jay again - won't you feel scared and intimidated?" Cindy asked looking into Clarissa's eyes with a worried expression that made her look older.

"I might. I would, but I'll see it in his eyes if he still loves me. Jay was always an open book to me." Camille says with a melacholic expression.

"Do you think Vic still loves me?" Cindy asks twisting her necklace while staring at it intently.

"What do you think?" Camille asks with a smug expression on her face.

"I don't know...." Cindy trails off.

"I think you've known ever since he asked me to give you that necklace a couple of years ago. I know that your still the one for him and he's still the one for you." Camille points out.

"Thanks Rissa. I just wonder, why didn't he give this to me in person." Cindy said sounding disappointed.

"Would you have accepted it all those years ago?" Camille challenges.

"I might've." Cindy sayd defensively.

"While you still 'hated' him?" Camille asks raising her eyebrows in a challenging manner.

"Wel... No." Cindy deadpanned.

"See? Vic was a smart kid. he knew when to do things that could tug at people's heartstrings; except for that incident of course." Camille says. She wasn;t too sure if it was the best move to bring that memory up.

"Don't worry about that....... event. I'm over it. I just wish I know why he did it. If he loved me, he wouldn't even think of doing that." Cindy says.

"I bet he explained it in the letter." Camille responded to herself remembering the thing the forgot. It has been bothering her for a while now, but he couldn't put he finger on what she had forgotten.

Camille stood up and rummage throught the boxes hidden under her bed. "Alobg with that necklace, her gave you a letter, but he told me not to give it to you unless you finally cooled down. I forgot about it until now. Sory Cee, but I seriously and honestly forgot about it."

Camille finally produces a letter. The letter was wrikled and the paper was discolored because of age and heat, but you could still see Vic's neat script writing. Camille then hands the said letter to Cindy.

Cindy accpets the letter with shaking hands. "Vic really wanted me to receive this? Are you sure?"

"I think the Ceecee up front says it all. Open it Cee. It might clear everything up." Camille says before leaving her room, proceeding to the kitchen downstairs.

Cindy's eyes started to well up with tears as she read the letter.

* * * * *

Dear Ceecee,

     I'm sorry, my beloved. I'm so sorry for betraying your trust, and for breaking your heart.

     Truth be told, I don't have much recollection of that night. It was more of a blur to me. I just remember waking up on the carpet of the house where the party took place. I found out what really happened when Anthony told me.

      Again, I am so sorry.

     You might be wondering what the necklace is for. Well, first of all, it belonged to mum. Dad gave that to mum while he was still courting her. Mum loved Shakespeare. And dad knew that. Mum had a particular favorite sonnet. I believe your familiar with it?

     Dad once told me that grandpa too was very creative when it came to courting grandma. He also told me that the object - like that pendant - always meant something. Dad meant to say "I will love you, forever and always. Don't ever doubt that."

     Hopefully, one day, I will be able to give you something more than my heart. And it would mean that you are meant for me and I am meant for you. Like in "Love Actually," you're 'the one' for me. I love you Ceecee, I hope you know that.

     I control my own destiny. I believe that we are meant to be. and two people that are meant to be with each other, will find their way back.

          All my love,


A/N: This chapter in unedited. Excuse the misspelled words or the sentences with incorrect grammar.

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