Last Dance Chapter 9

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Clarissa woke up when she heard sobbing. She rushed out of her room and ran to the room next to hers, Cindy's Room. Cindy was crying and she wanted to find out why.

"C? Why are you crying?" She asks.  

"Ri-rissa, do you know what day it is today?" She asks.   

"Today's a Sunday. The fifth day of September. Why do you ask?"  

"This day, five years ago - do you remember what happened back then?" She asks still sobbing.  

"I'm sorry C, but I'm afraid I don't remember what you're talking about." Clarissa says rubbing the Cindy's back.  

"On this very day, five years ago, he-he and I-" Cindy attempts to say something sensible but finds herself unable to.  

"Shh… Shh… Shh… Don't say anything anymore. I understand." Clarissa says. She now recalls what Cindy was talking about.  

Five years ago, Cindy broke up with her long-time boyfriend Victor Leonardo Anderson III. Yeah, you read it right. Vic was her boyfriend.   

On the twenty-ninth day of August, Vic' parents died. Vic seemed to have a tradition that two weeks before and after the death anniversary of his parents, her drink himself senseless. Usually, he'd always end up on Cindy's door. They didn't have any problems with parents because they were always on business trips and would seldom be in their own house.  

One day, Cindy got tired of it all. She told him off. They had a huge fight. They didn't officially break up because he went off with Jason. The two went to Yale together.   

Camille never asked the real reason why they broke up. She, after all, experienced pain from leaving loved ones. She also knew for a fact having loved ones leave you without closure can be one of the most painful things ever  

"Cam, did I ever tell you the real reason why we broke up?" Cindy asks while playing with her best friend's hair. She thankfully calmed down. They were both just lying there, on Cindy's queen sized bed.

"No. I knew you told a lie back then, but I never pried. Reawakening memories like those are very painful and irrelevant. You guys broke up for a reason. A reason that you didn't want to divulge to I felt that it wouldn't be right if I did so, even if curiosity was killing me." She replies chortling at the last part.

"I think, I should tell you. We are after all sisters." Cindy says not meeting her best friend's eyes. Camille just smiled in response.  

"I was a week after his parents' death anniversary. I knew he was out drinking, so I didn't bother to go after him. he told me himself that he didn't want me going after him on occasions like this because his friends might try and…. mess with me."  

"That day we broke up, was the day I went after him. I went there to tell him knock it off and this his parents wanted a better life for him. They surely did not want him drinking his life away. But when I got there, Cammy, he was making out with some slut!"  

"I trusted him Cammy! I trusted him! Never once did I doubt him, and then he does that!" Cindy says crying again.  

"Sush now… I can see how hard this is for you, you don't have to go on." Camille says rubbing Cindy's back.  

"I have to tell you this, or else my heart will feel like lead, now that I'm so close to telling you the whole story."  

"All right.. Did he go after you?"  

"No, he didn't see me. But he sure was surprised as hell when I wouldn't go near him or even spare him a glance the next day or the days following. He tried to confront me about my behavior towards him numerous times, but he eventually gave up. I guess he found out that I knew about him screwing some bitch." Cindy says.  

There was pregnant pause after Cindy ranted. Camille just stayed there waiting for her best friend to calm down.  

"Do you still love him?" Camille asks. Though the answers were obvious to Camille, she still wanted to ask. She wanted to hear those words come out from Cindy's mouth.  

"No…. Yes? Maybe…. I don't know!" Cindy say.  

"Okay… Let's make this easier for you. Why are you crying?" Camille asks.  

"Because…." Cindy trailed off.  

"Because what? Camille asks wanting for Cindy to admit it to herself.  

"It still hurts."  

"Why does it hurt?"  

"He is and will always be my first love after all."  

"Are you sure it isn't because you missed him?" Cindy was silenced at what Clarissa said because it was true. Because it is true.  

"There's your answer. Maybe it won't hurt anymore if you do get closer or when your in his arms, but for now, just know it it was meant to be - you two will find your way back. And I have a feeling you two are meant for each other."  

"Thanks Cam. Just so you know, I know Jason still loves you." Cindy says.   

Camille just smiles in return. She never once doubted Jason's love for her. Surely, she won't doubt now, will she? A lot can happen in six years, but she can be sure of one thing. She, Camille Willows, still love Jason Lee with all her heart. And she is still praying that hopefully, she'll still get to see the Jay she knew who loved her with all his heart.  

"Doubt that the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love;" -William Shakespeare; Hamlet

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