Flying Steps

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My name is Francesca Brooklyn Wood, my name is really long thanks to my mom's friends, my they call me Ches,Fran,Brooke and Lyn, my daddy died when I was 15 and now I'm already 19, Its been 4 years, my mom cried a lot when daddy died but she is still happy since me and my older brother are college, she still loves him even he died because of cancer, my brother and I are really close, he is 20 years old, my talent is dancing, oh and I'm still single, I have crazy friends, I have blonde hair, blue eyes and I have a tattoo, its a letter M since my dad's name is Mason, I decided to have a tattoo to remeber him forever and always.


“Ches are you really sure you want to go to Dance camp?" Daniel asks, my older brother, me, Daniel and mom are at the kitchen cleaning up, I'm going to dance camp tommorrow, he always want to be sure if I really really want to go.

“Yes Dan Dan, I really really realllllyyyy want to go! you are going with me right? you are going to dance club no need to worry right?" I replied and he nodded, mom smiled at us and opened her mouth to say something.

“You guys are growing up fast and I'm really old!" she said, we laughed and I hugged mom.

“No, you are still beautiful and young mommy" I said as I hugged her tightly and kissed her cheeks, she smiled and kissed me.

“My baby is growing up!" she cooed

“You two should be sleeping now, Danny, Brooke you two need to get enough sleep for your first day of dance camp" mom informed and we nodded and kissed mom's cheeks and headed to our room.


I was at my room, ready for bed but I decided to chat with Chelsea, my bestie.

Me: Hey Chels! so you ready for your baseball camp?

Chelsea plays baseball because her Big Daddy plays baseball and Chelsea really love her daddy so she decided to play like her daddy.

Chelsea: Yeah! r u?

Me: Heck yeah!

Chelsea: good luck!

Me: Yeah U 2 bestie, hows Mr.Talon?

Mr.Talon is Chelsea's dad, Chel's daddy is really sick and he refuses that his wife is going to take care of him because he wants Chelsea to take care of him instead which made Mrs.Talon annoyed because Chelsea is really busy.

Chelsea: Big Daddy is fine, thank u for asking, he drinks his meds.

Me: I thought that he dosen't like his meds?

Chelsea: Yeah he does but I told him that I will quit baseball if he didn't drink it so I can take care of him.

Me: -_-b

Chelsea: GTG! Big Daddy is going to sleep now!

Chelsea Talon logged out....

I clossed my laptop and yawned, I snuggled my pillow and fell into a deep sleep.


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