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Jerome's POV

I can't believe it, Mitch forgot about me? How could this be, no he didn't forget about me I just ran into a imposter who looks and sounds exactly like Mitch that's all. No, god who am I kidding I could tell that was Mitch from a mile away, what happened? It has to be Seto he's the only one who could have possibly made him forget about me, but why? He was the one telling me to go after all, was there some big point to all of this, if that's the case I'm gonna be pretty pissed at Seto. I can't think straight anymore and besides my thoughts are all over the place. I pay for the clothes I grabbed then head back to the hotel room I was currently staying at. I tossed everything in a corner of the room, before falling face first onto my bed. All of this was too much for me, I left Mitch as I thought it was the best thing to do. I still believe it was at least he's safe now, but for him to forget about me was not part of the deal. I love Mitch still and I don't want him to forget about everything that happened between us even if they weren't all good I just don't want him to forget about me. I've felt a sort of emptiness in me ever since I left him, it feels like a black hole in my stomach sucking out all my happiness. Maybe I should stop by the house and talk to Seto, figure out what he did to Mitch exactly. No, I can't do that okay Jerome stop thinking about this so much, whatever Seto did was for a good reason he doesn't just do things for no reason at all that's just the type of person he is.

I decide on leaving the hotel room to clear my thoughts after a few scenarios came to my head that I'd rather not have be there again. I walk to this small little café where me and Mitch used to go on cold winter days, when Louise couldn't come visit me and I was all alone. No, I start walking away from the café, if I'm gonna get over Mitch then that means no more going to all our old get togethers. I walk a little more down the ways till I reach this nice little secluded area right behind a store; it leads into a bit of an opening where there's just fields and a nice little creek. I sit down feeling the cold wind blow over me, "I really screwed up didn't I?" I say out-loud.

Mitch's POV

I get back to the house dropping all the bags that I brought in with me, "Mitch that you?!" a voice yells from the top of the stairs, "Yeah!" I call back heading into the kitchen where Jason, Ian, and Adam all stood. "Hey guys" I say they all look at one another, "what?" I ask very confused of the situation. Jason is the first one to start talking, "Mitch I think you ought to know about-" "Don't even think about it Jason" a voice says from behind, I turn around to see Seto and Ty standing behind us, "This is cruel, you can't just do this to a person it has to be illegal" Adam argues, "It would be if I did it without his consent, but he wanted this so it's not my fault and no matter how much you disagree with what I did don't ruin Mitch again, it's not your place at all" I looked back and forth from both of them this had been going on for the past couple of days, "What are you guys even arguing about anyways?" I ask annoyed, "Nothing Mitch, can you leave us alone for a while please?" Ian asks. I storm up to my room past Seto's, it's strange I don't remember that room ever really being there, but at the same time it feels as though I've been in there multiple times already.

I can't help, but just collapse on my bed in despair, "Why do I feel so empty?" "Because you feel excluded from everything and everyone" I hear Seto say from my bedroom door. I don't bother sitting up, "They let you leave that easily?" I ask, "No, Ty's keeping them busy by arguing" "Why do they keep arguing, and what does it have to do with me?" I feel the weight of the bed shift, "Mitch, do you ever think about death?" I sit up and stare at him concern immediately overthrowing my anger and curiosity from earlier, "No, Seto why would you even ask that?" he looks at me, "Do you want the absolute truth and nothing but it?" the way he said it sent chills up my spine, like if I knew what he was going to tell me would paralyze me from the world. I silently nod my head, he sighs, "I took memories from you, these memories caused you to cry all day," I stare at him unable to form words in my head or comprehend what he was saying at all, "one day I was walking by your room when I heard a certain voice in my head say 'I'm gonna kill myself' and it actually scared me." This scared me as Seto didn't get scared easily, I urged him to continue, "I went into your room and I knew where it came" this sent chills up my spine, "so I took the memories that caused you to be this way away, every last thing that tied you to what made you come to this and it helped, but I realize that taking away everything is not the best thing, they say ignorance is bliss but it just doesn't work with you since people actually care about you" he laughs at this, "I love you, and what I did I did because I love you." I hear him sniffle, and for the first time I see Seto crying, he's not one to show emotion hell he's as blank as a canvas. I don't think I've ever seen Seto show a simple emotion besides happiness, and anger and even those were rare. I place a hand on his shoulder giving him a soft smile, "Could I ever get these memories back?" Seto stares at me before wiping a tear away, "No, it could only happen by a miracle...I'm sorry Mit-" I cut him off by hugging him. He embraces me back letting more tears fall from his eyes, "You don't have to be sorry I understand, and you did what you did" he smiles at me, "Thanks, by the way you tell anyone I was crying and I kill you" we both laugh at this, "Our little secret, besides I think this is the best way for me to start fresh" I smile at him and he smiles at me. Our little secret.

Seto and I fall asleep in my bed, I knew we would be nothing more than friends, but to be this close to where I can see his emotions is pretty damn cool. Though thoughts still are in my mind such as, who was this person, and what were they to me? I stop these thoughts though as I started to get depressed, I had my friends now and that's all that mattered to me. The next few days were definitely difficult as I had to deal with the rest of Team Crafted always asking me if I was okay, I always reassured them I was, but that didn't seem to satisfy them. They treated me like a bomb which isn't very comforting really. I couldn't handle the stares that I got from them anymore so I left the house and started on a new adventure, "This is stupid I'm a grown man I should go do grownup thi- ooh sharp stick" I pick up the stick from the grown and pretend I'm joisting someone. I'm doing this up and down the street getting a few weird stares from people passing me, some shake their heads other just laugh at me. "Honey do you need help getting home tonight?" I turn around to see a woman holding the hand of a eight year old, "No thanks, by the way I'm not stupid I just like having fun" I leave her with her mouth hung open.

I keep walking through the town laughing every now and then at something funny that comes to my mind. I just kept walking till I reached destinations, then I kept walking from there, it's funny I would always look at people who were walking the street and wonder where they're going, I would think of story for these people, I can't remember who showed me this game all I remember is how much fun it was.   I walk around a bit more looking up at the clouds and such when I bump into someone, "Sorry about that" I look up to see the boy from the store he was an inch shorter than me has short brown hair and a big nose. He looks at me with sad eyes, "Hey it's you again" I remark he smiles slightly at me, "So it is, how are you?" "Good, but how are you, you look a little upset" he looks up and down at me, "Well if you must know I just found out that someone I love has forgotten about me" I frown hearing this, "Sorry to hear that bud, who was she?" he looks away from me, "He was my boyfriend, and I went along and screwed things up" I rub the back of my neck, "Oh well sorry to hear about that, but you know what they say 'plenty of fish in the sea'." Things are quiet for a moment before he laughs, "You really are a thirteen year old trapped in a grown mans body huh?" I laugh with him, "Yeah you could say that, hey I didn't catch your name" he looks uneasy at my question, "Umm names...Matt" he squeezes his eyes shut I just look at him weirdly, "Nice name, Mitch at your service" I bow down, he opens his eyes looking at me scared of my reaction clearly. We talk for a little longer before he glances at his watch, "Listen it was nice chatting with you, but I got to go I guess I'll see you later" he starts to walk off, and I turn around to go home.

I arrive home to see Ty and Seto talking quietly to each other, "You cannot keep this a secret anymore, what are you gonna tell him?" Ty looks down, "I don't know, but I've been ignoring his texts lately and Elliot's been getting pissed off" "Where has Elliot been?" I ask. They both turn around quickly, clearly surprised that I was even behind them, "Sorry for eavesdropping" I say walking over to them, Seto looks at me, "Mitch I think Ty has something he wants to tell you, actually let me go get everyone they all deserve to know." A moment later he comes down with all members of Team Crafted, "So what's up Seto?" Jason asks, "Ty wanna tell them?" Seto asks. Ty looks at him then at all of us before sighing, "You guys know how Elliot hasn't been around lately?," everyone nods, "that's because, well he's started hitting me" It's pure quiet, Adam's the first one to explode, "Are you fucking serious Ty?!" Jason and Ian both just stand there in shock. Adam starts towards Ty, but Seto stands in his way, "Don't yell at him" Adam looks between him and Ty before shaking his head and backing up. "Ty how long has this been going on?" Ian asks, "Well it started a few weeks after we started dating and he's been doing whenever we would argue even little things that weren't necessarily important" it's quiet for a long time before Seto clears his throat, "Ty's gonna take care of it by himself" everyone looks at him like he's crazy, "Seto we know Ty's tough, but he can't do this by himself" I argue, "Yeah, you can't actually expect for him to do this all by himself right?" Adam asks, "I don't, I'll be going with him, but only if things get really crazy."

After this there's a knock on the door, Seto moves to answer it, "What are you doing here?" I look towards the door, but can't make out the face of anyone. Seto walks out and shuts the door behind him, "Mitch-" Ty starts, "I know, I know 'I think you should go to your room' I get it" I start towards the stairs, "Mitch we just don't want you hurt again" he yells, but I ignore him. I get it I understand, but that doesn't make it any easier... 

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