Things can never be quiet

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Mitch's POV

I hear Seto walk back into the house and immediately run down the stairs, Ty right at my heels, "Mitch calm down why are you so excited?" I see Seto shutting the door while rubbing his eyes, he had an irritated look on his face, but I didn't care as I rushed down the stairs nearly running over Jason and Adam in the process. "Did he mention me at all?!" I ask a little too excited, Seto glares at me a second before his eyes widen in shock, "You mean Jero-I mean Matt?" I nod my head, I had no clue why that boy interested me so much he just did and I was a little more than happy when he showed up here. Seto looks down at the ground before I hear him say several cuss words under his breathe. He regains his composure before talking, "Umm no he didn't mention you, he just came by to tell me about his new girlfriend and all" I frown hearing this I wasn't really expecting that to be his answer. "Oh well I wouldn't think he would be straight after he broke up with his boyfriend" Seto's eyes widen again, "I'm sorry, but how do you know that?" "Oh we met before I think at least twice now" I hear Seto mumble under his breathe again, "That son of a bitch"

Seto just grabs Ty and heads upstairs not even acknowledging me again, it was pretty strange. "God can't I have one normal conversation with somebody please?!" everyone looks at me with pity and I was just done at that point and I may or may not have well....exploded. I yelled at them all calling them every single nasty thing I possible could, not even caring about their hurt feeling cause I was done. I didn't know why they had to do that, I was perfectly okay now and they just had to go and ruin it. I'm breathing very heavily after and they're all just staring at me clearly not able to form any type of words they just stared.

I ran out of the house not being able to deal with them staring at me, not anymore. I walked until I reached a small little cafe and me being the cliche person I was, I decided to try my luck and see if I could meet anyone in here. To be honest I have been watching a little too much anime so maybe I'll meet my soulmate in here, who knows? I looked around the cafe no one really catching my eye and decide on just ordering a drink. I felt a little weird just sitting here all by myself, being surrounded by couples didn't help either. I sigh as I hear one of the couples near me saying the over used words of "I love you" I nearly barfed hearing the words. "Disgusting right?" I look up to see a boy standing in front of me a pot of coffee in one hand and a tray in the other. I smile at his remark and almost burst out laughing as the couple next to me hears his comment and sends him the death stare, "Yeah, but that's probably just because I'm a lonely bastard who needs some love" he laughs, "Yeah me too, anyways what can I get you?" "A hot chocolate if you will, not in the mood for coffee just sugar" he smiles at me again, "One hot chocolate coming right up" he leaves me just sitting there and disappears behind the store counter. It's a while till he returns and when he does he is suited up in a flannel with some jeans, "Your hot chocolate sir" he sets it down on the table then sits directly across from me a coffee in his hands, "Thank you, but don't you work here?" I ask taking a sip of my drink, "Yeah, but lucky for you my shift just ended about 2 minutes ago" I look up at him, "Then you could have just left, you didn't need to serve me" he shrugs as he leans back in his chair, "Yeah, but I didn't wanna miss a chance at a possible friendship" he smiles at me and I return it.

We talk till the cafe closes and afterwords we talk some more I've learnt so much about him in just one day. His name is Ethan and he's originally from California, but moved to England as a kid then back to the states a few years later. He was a good looking man as well; taller than me, gorgeous almost red hair that curled slightly, sparkling green eyes, and a contagious smile with beautiful white teeth; he was just in simple words: hot as hell. He ran his hand through his hair again as he told me about a time he got into a fight, he did this anytime he was telling me about some time he did something wrong, it was cute like a little twitch for when he's nervous.

I laughed for about the billionth time that night and couldn't stop, "Okay I am not that funny, you can stop pretending" I looked at him as though he was crazy, "Okay first of that is not true, and second off I can't pretend to laugh for the life of me" he smiles at me again. I glance at my phone for the first time that night and almost die reading the time, it was 12:18, and to make everything better I had about 20 missed calls from everyone. "Fuck they are gonna kill me" Ethan looks at me a bit of concern in his eyes, "Sorry if I kept you out too late" he rubs the back of his neck a small blush on his face. I put my phone back into my pocket and smile at him, "Don't worry about it, by the way can I get your number?" he smiles at me, "Only if I can get yours" I just shake my head at his stupid comment. We exchange numbers before I start my way back home, smiling to myself every now and then as I remembered a joke Ethan had told me.

I walk into the house to a person yelling in my face, "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!" I jump at Jason yelling, "Jesus Jason calm down, I was out" I walk by him, Ian, and Adam all standing in the living room. I roll my eyes at all of them, "You know I'm over 21 I'm pretty sure I don't need to check in with you guys every single minute" Ian walks over to me and talks a lot softer than Jason, "Yeah we know Mitch, but at the same time after everything you said we got a bit worried" I look at them all and sigh, "Okay so I owe you guys an apology, but stop treating me as though I am a bomb and I need to be treated with delicacy. I'm fine, and no more pity looks" they all look at each other, "Deal, but no more just running away like that" Adam says smiling.

I wake up the next morning to some very loud conversations, I go down to see Adam pacing back and forth in the living room, while Ian tries to calm him down, "They didn't come home all last night, I'm pretty sure that justifies to me calling the police Ian" Adam speaks frantically, "Ty is fine he's with Seto after all, and you know he wouldn't let anything bad happen to Ty no matter what." I walk over and sit in a chair, "What's going on?" I say through a yawn, Ian glances at me for a second, "Ty and Seto didn't come home last night, so Adam is freaking out" "Of course I'm freaking out, we don't know what could have happened!"

Suddenly the door opens to Ty and Seto coming in, "See!" Ian exclaims pointing at them, Adam doesn't seem to notice him talking as he just runs up to Ty and engulfs him in a hug, "Jesus thank god you're okay" Ty groans in pain a bit, "Adam could you let me go, I'm kinda....sore" Seto snickers after that comment and I actually look at the both of them. Both of them have horrible messy hair, their clothes are crooked, and Ty has a two hickeys on his neck. I can't help but start laughing, "Guys please tell me you didn't-" but I don't even get half way through my sentence when Seto interrupts me, "It was all Ty's idea" that sends me into a laughing fit while both Adam and Ian look at me like I've gone insane. Ty blushes and moves towards Seto, "Well you went along with it" "You're the one who wanted it" Seto says confidently a smirk on his face, that just makes me laugh more as Ty just blushes even more. Ian finally catches on, but Adam is still clueless, "What's so funny?" I shake my head at him before talking, "Ty and Seto slept together in the car" Adams eyes widen before he glances at them and goes upstairs.

Ty sighs, "I'll go talk to him" "Are you sure you can even go up the stairs?" Ian comments, Ty flips him off as he goes upstairs. I can't help but look over at Seto, "So you actually slept with Ty in the back of a car, didn't think you had it in you" he just rolls his eyes at me, "You have no idea of what I'm capable of" "Clearly not" I say laughing. My phone goes off to a text message and I look at it to see and unknown number:

E: Hey it's Ethan hopefully you haven't forgotten about me already =)

I smile softly reading it, but then that is replaced by curiosity as I wonder how the hell he is up!

M: Don't worry I didn't, btw how are you even up right now!? I'm dying!

E: Magic anyways wanna hang out today?

M: Sure ain't got nothing better to do

E: Awesome meet me at Yosemite Bar

M: K see yah soon

I switch off my phone and lean back in the chair, today is gonna be a good day no matter what. I just know that it will...


So I worked on this legit all night and am now dying but it is worth it, happy Thursday btw! Anyways I hope to have another chapter of Truth? out today so look out for that and now I'm gonna do something I haven't done for a while, or what I call a while...My "outro" there is a reason for the quotation marks people. Anyways Keep On Hacking And I'll Meet You There!

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