Hello Again

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Mitch's POV
I can't help but not stop smilling that catches the attention of Seto, "You seem pretty happy about something" I feel a small blush on my face, "What?! N-no" he looks at me with raised eyebrows, "Can I see you're phone then?" I move my phone to my back pocket, "What phone?" I say with a nervous laugh, I don't know how he would react to Ethan. He raises his eyebrows again before extending his hand, I sigh and hand him my phone. He looks at the messages before looking at me again, "Something I need to be worried about?"

Seto was 5'6, and 120 pounds, but even then he was terrifying. "No Seto, I'm fine, we're just hanging out" he smiles at me, "I'm happy that you're moving on Mitch" I smile back at him, "I am too"

I look at my phone for a few more seconds before I hear sounds from upstairs. Seto immediately moves towards the stairs, "Seto their fine, Adam wouldn't hurt him" Seto relaxes a tiny bit, but soon after a crash is heard and Ty screaming.

We all stand up quickly before rushing up the stairs Seto leading the way to Adam's room. We open the door to see Ty and Adam on the ground, Adam holding a piece of cloth to Ty' s wrist.

I see the blood on the floor and so does Seto. I grab his arm and Ian grabs his other one pulling him back as he lunged at Adam, "I'm going to murder you Adam!!" Adam moves back leaving Ty to hold the cloth to his wrist.

Seto's eyes flash purple and his hands ignite in purple flames, "Seto calm down, it's not what it what it looks like!" Adam yells. Seto was strong and was slowly moving his arms away from us, "Seto stop man, you can't go nuke here" I tried, but he just kept moving forward. The heat from his hands was starting to burn me and I know I can't hold onto him for forever.

He breaks free from us and starts toward Adam only to be stopped by Ty, "Seto" he immediately stops and looks at him. Ty stands up slightly wobbly, "Adam did nothing, I did this" it's dead quiet in the room as Seto just stares at Ty. He looks behind him at Adam, "Where's the blade?" "I have it" Adam reveals his own bloody hand which holds a blade covered in bright red blood. He had cuts on both of his hands, "Adam tried to stop me from cutting again, this is my fault Seto not his" Seto looks from Adam to Ty back and forth.

"Ty....why were you trying to cut again?" his voice is quiet and sounds tired, "Because I acted like a complete dick knowing Adam's," he glances at Adam quickly, "feelings, and I hurt him. That's why"

It's quiet again and the tension in the room is so thick it's almost suffocating. Seto starts talking again breaking the uneasy silence, "Fine, if that's what you say," everyone stares at him, his voice was monotone completely free of emotions, "Adam I'm sorry I tried to attack you, and I think I should go now" and without saying another word he leaves the room and the house a few seconds later.

Ty falls back to the ground clutching his wrist still, Ty being hurt finally sets in and we all rush to his side. "Damn Ty, you cut deep, you might need stitches" Ian says looking at his wrist.

Adam walked over and dropped the blade next to him, his hands were covered in several cuts, some deep other barely broke the skin. "Adam you probably need stitches too" Ian says looking at him, "No, I'm fine we'll just take Ty" I look at Ty's wrists and it was a total of six deep cuts that were still bleeding. Adam's hand was covered in blood and was still producing, "No Adam, you need stitches it's bad man"

Despite his denying we took both Adam and Ty to the hospital. We all wait for what seems like hours until we can finally go see them. Adam is up and walking around his room, bandages cover his hands. He immediately asks if we've gone to see Ty, when we say no he rushes us to go see him.

We walk in and Ty's on his phone an IV is attached to his wrist giving him fluids and his arms are bandaged, "Hey Ty how you doing?" I ask, he looks up and smiles, "I'm fine thanks guys" Adam rushes over to Ty and takes his hand, "I'm sorry" Ty just smiles before looking at me and Ian. That was our cue to leave.

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