Chapter Five

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"Today's the day!" Ryan came inside my room, banging a wooden spoon on a pot. "Get up before you're late!"

I groaned and rolled to the other side of my bed to check the time. "It's still 3:30! The game doesn't start 'til 5:30," I threw a pillow over my head to avoid the annoying sound of Ryan banging the pot.

He stopped banging the pot. "You still have warm-up, prepare your shit, and get ready. So no more siesta, get up!" He continued banging the pot so I threw a soccer ball at him.

"Get out," I ordered.

"Not until you get up and change," he said.

"You expect me to change in front of you?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He cringed at the thought. "Ew God no. I'll wait in the backyard so hurry up," and with that he left my room.

I didn't know why I was groaning and complaining about Ryan bugging me to warm-up. This was our usual thing. When one of us had a game we'd prepare the other. Ryan and I are both captains of our soccer team so it was a must to have a pre warm-up at home before the actual warm-up with the team.

I tied my hair into a ponytail and wore my headband. I slipped into my uniform but decided to go out in a tank top rather my jersey so it wouldn't get all sweaty before the game. I jogged down the stairs and grabbed my socks and cleats before heading out to the backyard.

Ryan put out some cones around the backyard for some drills. He just placed the last cone in position before he noticed me, "Finally. Took you ages to change."

I rolled my eyes and sat on the ground as I put my socks on. "So what are we doing?" I asked referring to the cones. I tied my shoelaces and stood up, stretching my legs.

It was 4:45 when I finished warming up. I headed to the kitchen for some water while Ryan went to look for some towels. "Whoa, mom?" I entered the kitchen to find my mom drinking tea on the counter.

She looked up and smiled at me, "Hi sweetie. How was soccer practice?"

I gulped down a glass of water before answering, "Um I had no practice today. Ryan was just warming me up for the game."

Her eyes widened. "Game?" She face palmed herself and shook her head in disappointment, "I can't believe I forgot about your game today."

"You can still make it if you didn't make any plans this evening," I told her.

Ryan came back with face towels and handed me one. I wiped my face and neck before hopping on top of the counter.

"Luckily I didn't make any plans tonight. What time do we leave the house?" Mom stood up and washed her cup before putting it in the dishwasher.

"Five o' clock will be good," I nodded and she nodded back before disappearing up the stairs.

Mom was very supportive of me and Ryan. She'd always come to our games and if she couldn't make it she'd have either one of us to film it. My dad on the other hand was too busy with work. We barely even see him at home which is why whenever dad was home early we'd all have a special dinner or something.


"Cap, their defense is too strong." Maia said.

"We can barely hold up our defense," Tina exclaimed. "It's just halftime and we're losing to 2-0."

"Are you listening to yourselves? You're already giving up." I told them all, "Yes it's halftime and the Robins scored twice now but we still got a lot of time left to score back."

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