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May 18, 2016

Yoongi put his phone on his bedside table and got up from where he was sitting on his bed. He really doesn't want to meet Jimin. What if he's not actually who he says he is? What if he finds Yoongi ugly in person?

Sighing because he only has so much time to get dressed and leave, he grabs a white shirt, black pants with rips in the knees, a beanie that says "DOPE", and a pair of black converse. He throws that on and runs down the stairs and out the door, grabbing a jacket on the way out.

Meanwhile, Jimin is panicking. What if Yoongi doesn't show up? Or if he does will he be who he says he is? Or will he be a gross old man that wants to get in his pants? Jimin shivers at the thought and looks at the time.


He stood up right as the professor dismissed them and made a beeline for the door. Making it out before most of the class, Jimin heads down the corridor to the main entrance.

"Jimin!" He hears a voice call. He didn't dare to stop and look, he has somewhere important to be.

"Yah Park Jimin!" He hears another voice call. He continued to ignore them though and walked out the Music building and towards Jinnie's Café.

Yoongi sighed. He glance at the clock again and saw it was 1:40. They didn't really set up a time. He just said he would meet Jimin at the café.

"Hey Yoongi. Whatcha want?"

"Just the usual Jin hyung" The taller man nods and walks behind the counter to get the drink. A little while after Jin walked away there was a bell sounding from the front door. Yoongi picked his head up and saw the most gorgeous person he's ever seen.

The orange haired boy was so beautiful. He seemed completely unreal. His pink plump lips and his cute nose made Yoongi just want to kiss him, but the elder stayed where he was and continued to stare.

Jimin ran his hand through his hair his panic getting worse as he got closer to his destination. Him and Yoongi haven't been talking long, but he fell for the man a long time ago. Ever since he found his blog he's fallen in love. He saw the Café come in view and walked a bit faster to get there quicker.

Once he reached the cafe, he opened the door and barely registered the bell sounding above him when he looked straight ahead of him. Yoongi was there already waiting for him and he was looking directly at him.Jimin gasped quietly. Yoongi was way prettier in person.

Jimin shuffled his way towards him and sat down. He looked over Yoongi noticing his hair is a light grey color now instead of blonde like in the picture Yoongi sent him.

"H-hi" Jimin whispered looking down.

"You know you should look at people when you greet them." Jimin almost jumped hearing the other's voice. He wasn't expecting it to be that deep. Jimin looked up to see Yoongi taking his beanie off and shaking his hair out, making the grey mess flop over his eyes.

"Here's your coffee Yoongi." Jin said as he placed down Yoongi's coffee and Jimin's caramel mocha. Jimin looked down at his cup with a questionable expression.

"How? How did you know I order this?" Jimin asks the older boy. Yoongi chuckled and Jimin swears he died.

"I have my ways Jiminie" Yoongi replies, taking a sip from his drink.

"So are you working on more drawings for your blog?" He asks Jimin. The younger boy nods while taking a sip of his mocha, making some spill out his mouth and onto his shirt. Yoongi snorted and grabbed some napkins. He handed them to the younger who was pouting.

"Take the napkins child" He proceeded to tell him while hitting him with them from across the table. Jimin pouted and grabbed them.

"I'm not a child" He said still pouting

"Says the kid who's pouting like a child who dropped their ice cream" Yoongi replies, chuckling.

"Shut up. So what about your music? Are you working on a new track??"

"Yup. I sure am. Jimin ya missed a spot by your collar" He tells him while looking at how low his shirt collar was. He's never seen such pretty collarbones in his life.

"JIMIN!" Both boys snap their heads up to see two other boys walking towards them.

"We were calling for you!" The one with the red hair said.

"Yeah, but you didn't turn around. So we thought you couldn't hear us." Said the other with raven colored hair.

"I'm sorry who are you guys?" Yoongi asks them, looking them up and down.

"Oh I'm Tae and that's Jungkook" The red head now known as Tae, replies.

"So what are you doing here?" Yoongi asks glaring at the two.

"Well we were looking for Jimin and he comes here all the time." Jungkook replied looking at Jimin.

"Oh my god. Tae, Jungkook please leave. I'll see you guys later okay?" Jimin said, putting his head in his hands.

"Oh Tae! I think Jimin's on a date we should go." Jungkook said, hitting Taehyung's arm.

The two turn around and leave the café as quick as they appeared.

"What was that?" Yoongi mumbled.

"My idiot friends. I'm so sorry." Jimin apologized, shaking his head.


The two were still at the Café even though it was around 5:00 and Yoongi had to get back to his apartment to help his roommate, Namjoon. Yoongi didn't want to leave and neither did Jimin. They enjoyed each others company too much.

"So did you tell your friend's this was a date?" The older asked him. Jimin's face went red and he shook his head.

"No I didn't-I didn't even say I was meeting you-" He began to ramble and Yoongi cut him off with a laugh.

"Calm down. I was joking Jimbles"

"Oh." Jimin's face turned a brighter red in embarrassment.

"So what are you working on?"

"A drawing" Jimin replied taking another sip of his coffee.

"I know you're doing a drawing, but what of?" Yoongi clarifies.

"Oh! I'm drawing some flowers in a garden with some butterflies around them." Jimin tells him, smiling so big that his eyes turn into crescents. Yoongi couldn't but smile right back at him.

This is shit, but hey at least they met.

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