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May 25, 2016

"So can you like not?" Jimin asks when he opens door.

"Do you know how early I woke up for you?" Yoongi asks, shoving the flowers he was holding into Jimin's chest. "I woke up at 5:30 to go find these flowers for you and then when I found them, I paced around my house for like an hour, then I came here, but then I started thinking what if you weren't awake? But you were so I could've done this sooner damn it!" Yoongi adds on, frowning and sitting on Jimin's couch.

"Are you done yet?" Jimin asks, raising an eyebrow from where he stood in front of Yoongi. Yoongi looks up at him and nods. "Good! I would love to be your boyfriend" Jimin tells him, plopping down on the couch next to Yoongi and wrapping his arms around his neck.

"I didn't even ask yet" Yoongi mumbled against Jimin's lips. Jimin pulled away and giggled.

"You didn't have too." Jimin smiles and nuzzles his face in Yoongi's neck.

"Aw gross! Kookie they're doing it again!" Taehyung screams from the entryway.

"Why didn't you tell me they were here?" Yoongi whispers. Jimin sat up and completely unwrapped his arms from Yoongi. If a small whine left Yoongi's mouth, Jimin didn't say anything. Jimin stared at Taehyung until the younger broke down in laughter and sat on the floor.

"What are you talking about?" Jungkook asks, looking down at the dying Taehyung. He looks up to where Yoongi and Jimin are sat on the couch and a small "oh" leaves his lips.

"What? What the hell man? What are you guys doing here?" Jimin asks, throwing his arms in the air.

"Wait so they don't live here?" Yoongi mutters and tilts his head.

"Nah fam we just come for the food!" Taehyung pipes up from the floor. Jungkook nods in agreement, holding up his arm to show the sandwich he's currently eating.

"Well shit."


"Damn it! How can I lose again?" Yoongi whines, throwing the controller down and frowning.

"Because I'm a beast at Mario Kart." Jungkook replies.

"When is Jimin going to come back? He's been gone for hours now." Yoongi complained, throwing his arms up and pouting.

"I don't know. Why don't you text him?" Jungkook asks, starting another round.

"But effort." Yoongi whines, picking his controller back up.

"Then stop fucking whining like a little bitch and play the game" Jungkook replies, driving past Yoongi's character a second time.

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