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December 25, 2021

Jimin unlocked the door and quietly stepped inside. He closed as quietly as he could and turned around to face the shoe rack. A light flipped on seconds later. Nope not quiet enough.

"Well well well, look who finally made it home" Yoongi said smiling and leaning against the door frame that leads into the kitchen. Jimin smiled and started taking off his shoes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was gonna be so late." Jimin said with a frown as Yoongi walked closer to him and trapped him in a hug.

"Minnie-ah, you're only a half an hour later than you said. It's not a big deal, all that matters is you're home now." The elder told him, leading him to their bedroom.

When Jimin stepped into the room he gasped, everyone was there. It's been two years since they all could get together, with Taehyung and Jungkook living in Busan and Namjoon, Seokjin, and Hoseok working all the time, it was hard to get everyone together.

"CHIM CHIM!" Taehyung screamed as he got up from his spot next to Jungkook on the floor. He tackled Jimin in a hug and Jimin sobbed on his shoulder. One by one each boy got up from their spots and joined in on the hug.

"Merry Christmas Jiminie" Jungkook said, hugging Jimin tighter.

After the very emotional hug, the boys went back to their spots. Jungkook and Taehyung were on the floor at the end of the bed, Namjoon and Seokjin were cuddled on the couch and Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok were all cuddled on the bed.

"I say we watch The Grinch Stole Christmas." Hoseok shouted from his spot under Jimin.

"Noooooo~" Jimin whined, rolling over so Hoseok was completely under him. The eldest of the three picked The Nightmare Before Christmas.

"Aye litt~~~" Jungkook whooped from the floor.

"I'm Zero so when you see him, just know that's me." Namjoon said, reaching over Seokjin to grab a box of candy. Yoongi snorts at him and gets up from his spot.

"I'm gonna go get the pizza"

"It's great you got pizza, but did you have to get so much?" Taehyung asked turning his head to the side, as he stared at the 5 pizza boxes in Yoongi's hand.

"I also got san-" Yoongi was cut off when Taehyung sprang up towards the older of the two.

"Don't finish that!" He yelped, covering Yoongi's mouth.

"Sandwiches? What are those?" Jungkook asks, reaching for a pizza box.

"Wait what?" Hoseok said, maneuvering his head so he can see from underneath Jimin.

Jungkook slowly swallowed. "I've gone two years since eating a sandwich. Tae said I had an addiction, but I didn't think I did." The youngest replied, looking down and picking at the blanket.

Taehyung smiled and moved over to his boyfriend and cuddled into his side. "My Jungkookie has been doing so well~~" He cooed looking up at the younger.

"Tae you can't do that. I'm pretty sure that's like some form of abuse." Jimin said

"I bought so many sandwiches too." He sighed "At least let the kid have one" Yoongi said, holding the bag of sandwiches out to Jungkook.


"I would say this was a bad decision, but that would be a lie." Taehyung voiced from the couch, where he was cuddling with Namjoon and Seokjin.

"He looks so happy" Jimin chirped who was now cuddling with a sleeping Hoseok. Yoongi looked at the two with fondness in his eyes. Jimin will come back to him when he wants to.

"Man, where have you been for the last two years?" Jungkook asks his 12th sandwich.

"Jungkook stop talking to your food. We're trying to watch a movie here." Seokjin yelled from his spot next to Taehyung.

"My bad." Jungkook whispers, finishing his sandwich.

He was grabbing another one out of the bag when it was taken away from him. Jimin stuck his hand in the bag and pulled out a sandwich for himself and Hoseok, who just woke up from his nap. He tossed the bag back to Jungkook and snuggled himself back between his boyfriend and best friend.

"How dare you take my sandwiches!"

"What are you doing out here?" Yoongi asks, putting his arm around Jimin.

"Just thinking"

"About what, my love?" Yoongi replies.

"About the past 5 years and how great they've been." Jimin says, laying his head on the arm Yoongi has around him.

"Ahh, they have been pretty amazing haven't they?" Yoongi says

"Yeah, I really love you, you know?" Jimin says, turning so his body is facing towards his lover.

"And I love you as well Princess" Yoongi replies, kissing Jimin's forehead.

"I also have something for you so turn around" The elder adds, fiddling around in his pocket.

Jimin pouts and turns around with his arms crossed. He only wants kisses.

Behind him, Yoongi gets down on one knee and pulls out a small velvet box. "Minnie, you can turn around now." He says smiling.

Jimin rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to say something, a gasp comes out instead as he sees his lover of 5 years down on his knee. "Yoongi what-"

"Jimin, We've been together for a very long time and I pray to god that we're together forever. You're my precious mochi and I can't see myself without you. Will you marry me?"

"Min Yoongi! Of fucking course I will!" Jimin says, throwing himself around Yoongi after their other puts the ring on his finger. Cheers erupted from inside the house coming from the other five boys who gathered in the doorway to watch.

"Oh my god. This means there's gonna be little Yoongi's running around soon! Someone save me!" Hoseok screamed, clutching onto to Jin's side and fake crying.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and shoved the younger. "Oh fuck off will you?" Jimin said with fondness in his voice.

"Now we're watching Merry Christmas and none of you can do anything about it" Hoseok says, snuggling back into the blanket next to Jimin.

"But that's not even a movie..." Taehyung complains.

"Yes it is. Now shut up and watch it" Jimin replies.

Jimin and Yoongi's wedding went perfectly, Jin and Namjoon bought them a studio apartment as a present and the rest moved in with them. And yes, there is a little Yoongi running around with the name of Kihyun, but there's also a little Jimin and her name Hani.

So I guess you can say, they're living happily ever after.

Oof it's been awhile Goons, but i'm happy I was finally able to release this chapter. So now this story is officially over ☺️. I hope you all enjoyed!!!

I also wanna day that your comments that you guys leave are wonderful and they mean so much to me. I try to reply to each and every one of them but there's a lot and I read them all.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this last chapter! I love you💕💕


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