"Can I come in? Seriously! I asked to many times, please." A male voice said to the girl. "No, I know your plans so don't." The girl snapped back. The boy got out of the doorstep and left. The girl turn to you and you quickly shut your eyes.
"I know you're awake." The girl said at you. You quickly opened your eyes. You see a blue haired woman.
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"H-How, did I got here?" You asked. "I saw you, while I was going for a stroll. You got hit by a branch. A strong, branch." She said. You slowly touched your forehead and you felt the pain. You felt a bulge on your forehead. "What is your name? I assume that your a magi user." You saw her show your staff to you. You grabbed it. " My name is, y/f/n..." As long as you said that, you can see in her face that she's shocked. "Y/L/N no..." She said as she put her hand on her mouth.
(A/N: As I said, you can understand it. y/l/n is your last name.)
"What?" You asked confused. You didn't know what she meant. "That means, you are part of that royal family." She said. You gasped. She knows who you are. You just planned to be a normal person, not a princess, or part of anything royal. "Y-You k-know?" You said as you stutter. "I kinda, um.... uhh, yes?" She said standing up and she bowed in a proper way." Lady Y/N, I am Katelyn."
"What?! No! Don't! I want to live a normal life, please, Katelyn." You said. "As you wish." She stopped bowing and stood up straight. "How can I hide my, self?" You said as you look at yourself at the mirror. "We can.. uhhh...um...change your outfit, and your hair color?" Katelyn suggested. "But how?" You asked her. You don't know where to get a hair dye and a new outfit. "Let's go to Aphmau." You thought to yourself. 'Who is Aphmau, where am I?' Katelyn quickly grabbed your wrist and you rushed to go to a house above a hill.
"Aphmau, we need your help." Katelyn said to Aphmau. She is A black haired girl with amber eyes.
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She looked at Katelyn confused and laid her eyes on you. You saw in Aphmau's face that she realized something. "Y-You are...." Aphmau pointed at you. But before she can finish her sentence. "Yes, she is. And I need your help on hiding herself." Katelyn said. "I have some spare hair dyes. Red, purplish black, or blue?" Aphmau let you pick. You picked y/f/hd. (Meansyourfavoritehairdye.)
"Just wait here, I'll grad some water." Katelyn said as she grabbed a bucket. Katelyn left the house and walked to the docks.
Between that moment, it was awkward. You finally spoke. "How did you know who I was?" She looked at you nervously avoiding eye contact. It took couple of seconds for her to speak. "I was a lord, in this village.... before. I kinda know about your kingdom." She said confidently. "I have the water!" Katelyn said breathing heavily. We walked to the backyard and we started the preparation. You dipped yoi hair in the water. Aphmau started coloring your hair.
After a couple minutes, you rinsed it of and it turned out as planned. Now some outfits. "Let's go to Cadenza's place." Katelyn said.
" Cadenza! We need your help." Katelyn shouted. "Okay! So... wait! You are...your outfit? Princess Y/N!" Cadenza asked. "Yeah, we kinda are keeping it a secret." Katelyn whispered. "So dear what kind of outfit, you want." Cadenza asked you. "I want a simple one. Like a adventurer." You picked. ( Iknowsomeofyoudidn'twantaadventurerone. Butitsneeded.)
"Wait a bit." Cadenza said. "Why are you not on your kingdom?" Katelyn asked you. "There was this war, between tu'la and our kingdom. We still don't know WHY they started such a thing." You said as you pulled out your staff and showed them what you saw. You started crying. "Whoa, I, did not know, there was a war... I'm sorry. I was good friends with your father." Aphmau stared blankly at the floor.
Hello, alongchapterthistime. Iwillupdatethisstorytwiceeveryweekstartingtoday. Ihopeyoulikethatschedule. AndifIdidnotfollowtheschedule, Ipromise, Iwillupdatetwochaptersinaday.Areminder, Iwillputpicturesof the characters.