A Warrior Of Youth ( a bvb fan fiction )

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i woke up not regretting the day before it had begun. For once i woke up feeling happy, like today was going to be different. I finally dragged myself out of bed on a Saturday morning at 8:00 went down stairs to find the twins sitting on the settee watching spongebob, typical i went into the kitchen to find my mom standing at the kitchen sink although she had just got up she looked like she had been up for hours with her mousey brown hair just past her shoulders and a black vest top with joggers making a cup of coffee i got breakfast and went upstairs to get ready i put my breakfast on the sideboard and chose what to wear, after half a hour of searching through my wardrobe i decided on a batman top with my black skinny jeans and red converse i heard a car horn outside the house and ran grabbed my guitar, bag, and my beanie hat don’t go anywhere without it, it just doesn’t feel right as i was about to run out the house i got attacked by the twins Jake and Josh they were adorable until you knew them properly and saw them in full temper tantrum swing i chuckled as they tickled the hell out of me "get of im going to be late" i said as i gasped for air as i said that my mom came to the door and started to laugh at the pile of kids on the lawn with a guitar case by the side the twins got of me and hugged me goodbye i walked towards the car as i got in there was non other than my best friend Hayley sitting their nearly bent over backwards laughing at me i give her a friendly shove and then she began to calm down  I strapped myself in and then we were of to a place i like to call the hell hole of death otherwise known as school "so still up for tonight its going to be amazing or so i hear" i asked Hayley "of course do you think im mental i mean come on its the start of warped tour for gods sake are you honestly asking me that question" she replied looking shocked we both chuckled as we walked down to the corridor 1st lesson on a Wednesday i hated because it was with all the jocks and the cheerleaders they hated my guts literally but i had one thing to look forward to that pushed me through the day warped tour the biggest kerrang tour where most of the bands will get together for a few weeks and just do a huge concert i met Hayley in the canteen after the worlds worst lesson ever i briefly scanned the canteen looking for Hayley it wasn’t that hard to find her i only had to look for a girl in a asking Alexandria band top ripped jeans bottle blonde hair with blue tips and that was it honestly it wasn’t that hard to find her most of the lads fancied the ass of her but she always said no because she liked someone else it wasn’t that hard to tell he liked her back but they just never hat the guts to ask each other out i thought it was kind of cute i walked over to Hayley who was sitting at a table on her own with her earphones in and not paying attention to anything or anyone just in her own world she goes but the saying "earphones in world out" kind if thing as i sat down i over heard the jocks and cheerleaders shout things to me like EMO, fag, cut yourself and a load of other names i couldn’t take it i get this on a daily basis i ran to the girls bathroom and rolled up my trouser leg and dug in my bag to find the razors and started to calve worthless into my leg i sat there with my back against the door just letting the tears drip down my face then i saw my tickets poking out of my pocket i took them out and held them close to my heart a few more hours and ill be their front row with the outcasts the others. I squinted as the air started to get to my cuts i grabbed some tissue and cleaned myself up rolled down my trouser leg dried my eyes and acted like nothing ever happened like i was a normal teenager with no difficulties in life like she never got shoved down a flight of stairs earlier or has bruises from where she’s shoved into walls i got my ipod out my pocket and put in my earphones and just walked out with a smile on my face as i walked into the canteen i realised a ring of people around where Hayley had been sitting i ran towards the ring of people and as i got closer i heard screams and wails i thought to my self what trouble has Hayley caused now and whose she beating up but in fact it was the total opposite Hayley was the one getting beaten up by the head cheerleader Amy without thinking i ran into the ring to help Hayley she was my best friend i couldn’t just let this happen i couldn’t let her get hurt as i ran into the ring of people i grabbed a bowl of water and before i knew it i had threw it over Amy who by this point was soaked in soapy water with her mascara running down her face standing there like a Barbie doll that had just been dunked in a bath to be honest i found it funny then out of the corner of my eye i saw Hayley sitting there on the floor knees up to her face sobbing into her knees i ran over to Hayley and tried to comfort her but it was no use not in the canteen so i helped her up onto her feet put her arm over my shoulder and my arm over her back and helped her to reception the school called a ambulance as he had possibly broken her collar bone with the force Amy had smacked a chair of her shoulder after about 5 minuets the ambulance showed up Hayley wouldn’t go unless i went to she kept saying "Carter has to come im not going without her" so in the end i had to go she was loosing a lot of blood as it seams Amy has cut her with something on the way to the hospital Hayley began to drift in and out of consciousness and the machiens all around her started beeping like mad the sirens on the ambulance started and we picked up speed fast i asked what was happening and i just got ignored they were focusing all their time on Hayley i didn’t know what to do i felt useless when we got to the hospital Hayley was hooked up to a lot of machines a drip that contained blood she looked so fragile i just sat in complete silence holding her hand praying that nothing major had happened to her i didn’t want her to die she was the only person that i could honestly talk to she understood me and that’s all i could want in a friend i looked up and saw her eyes open and the first words she said to me were "why are you here the concert starts in 6 hours you should be getting ready not here yes i know the bitch of a Barbie attacked me but go ill be ok" before i knew it visiting times were over and i had to go then i only had 5 hours to get ready it felt wrong just levering Hayley like this but its hospital times for visiting i called a taxi home and began to get ready for the concert

(A/N:-  im not to sure on this chapter its the first book ive written and im not quite sure about it its just the fact of letting my imagination run wild by the way i do apologise for the spelling mistakes in the book ill try and get that fixed COMMENT VOTE FAN your choice)

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