the question

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~~~~ The next morning ~~~~

(Andy’s POV continued)

I woke up to the sound of a blender whizzing around in the kitchen. I walked out of the bunk area and saw nothing I never expected to see Ashley was making breakfast and not just for him for us all. The aroma of bacon filled my nose as I crashed down onto the leather sofa, just as I sat down the girl from last night walked into the living area. Before I knew it she had turned bright red then I realised I was only wearing my boxers. I ran straight to the bunk area and grabbed my clothes I finally decided on black skinny jeans my combat boots and my batman top as I got in the bathroom I heard CC shout “get the fuck out the bathroom I need to use the throne” I chuckled a bit and then replied with “OMG CC hold it in” it went on like that for another 5 minutes till I was finally done after applying a thick layer of eyeliner I casually walked out as CC barged past me and ran into the bathroom with a sigh of relief as I walked through the bunk area no one was in bed so no one needed to be woken up lucky for me, I carried on walking through the bunk area into the living room everyone was sat on the leather sofa eating breakfast all apart from the mystery girl she had no plate of bacon or anything just sitting there like an ornament on a mantelpiece scared to move “Andy” CC shouted as I was ripped away from my thoughts I musty have been thinking that much that I never even saw him walk past me or knowing CC run like Usain bolt “huh” I replied with no enthusiasm or expression at all “breakfasts in the microwave” CC managed to say with a mouth full of bacon egg and sausage believe me it wasn’t a pretty sight as I set the timer on the microwave for 5 minutes  I sat down on the sofa next to the mystery girl and Jake “could you step outside with me for a second please” I said quiet enough for her to hear she gave a small nod as her response and followed me outside very slowly like a school girl being sent to the head teachers office I hope she doesn’t think im going to hurt her I really do I wouldn’t dream of it I mean if I was going to hurt her I would have just left her on the path to bleed I was raised better than that so I wouldn’t dream of doing it at all.


I suddenly felt nervous as Andy asked me to step outside was he going to say that I couldn’t stay there anymore or was he going to kill me, no Andy wouldn’t do that I don’t think any of the guys would they love their reputation and the music too much to kill anyone anyway Andy’s got a heart of gold he did save me, he did carry me back to the bus he looked after me for the night, didn’t he. I was suddenly ripped from my thoughts as Andy began to talk to me “look you know our names but we don’t know yours so im going to ask you some questions just to get some general information about yourself so I don’t just keep referring to you as the mystery girl in my mind or when im talking to the guys” suddenly Andy put on this quiz host type of voice and began his questions “what’s your name?, where are you from?, and how old are you?” I finally plucked up the courage to speak “my name is Carter Evans, im from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and im in my senior year of high school so im 17 coming 18 on the 29th of July” after that I let out a deep exasperated sigh Andy went back to talking shortly after I honestly cant keep a straight face when im with him everything he does just has a funny side to it wheather it will be getting pissed at a hater or just joking around in general he is a funny, funny man, a man with a heart of gold. “Well Carter do you want to stay on the bus with us till the end of the tour” I paused for a minute, what about school, the twins, my mom well school I would like to give a miss but my mom and the twins I couldn’t just leave them “ill have to ask my mom as im still in school and out of curiosity how long of the have you got left oh and if im allowed to come on tour with you guys then I need to go and see my best friend Hayley she was meant to come to the concert but she didn’t as she got put in hospital by Amy the girl who gave me a pasting last night” Andy looked slightly taken aback by how much I just said I mean I didn’t say anything to the guys or him for a matter of fact “um ok where do you live and we will drop you of at your house” I could see a glint of excitement in his eye as he said it and he was trying to hide a smile that would spread from ear to ear I really want to stay on the tour if that meant I could stay with Andy theirs just something about him that drew me nearer and nearer to him like some kind of magnetic pull. As me and Andy stepped back onto the bus I grabbed my phone and walked into the bunk area and dialled my moms number after about the third ring she picked up “carter where are you I was so worried, tell me where you are and ill come and pick you up” I was worried about how I should word to my mom that I wanted to stay on tour with the guys “mom im fine im safe im with the band I went to see last night they are being kind to me mom I was just wondering if I could possibly stay on tour with the guys they have a few months left on tour I know that I still have to get to school but I have the schools e-mail account I can get the school to e-mail my work across from there, please mom im begging you ill call you every morning and every night without fail I promise” their was a silent pause that I swear if someone dropped a pin you could hear it on the other side of the phone. “Carter, im trusting you on this if your grades drop then you will be straight back home no questions asked when will you be coming back home to pick up your clothes” I was mentally screaming inside I mean come on who wouldn’t a whole 3 months with 5 of the most important people in my whole life “thank-you mom oh my god you wont regret this I promise, oh and ill come and pick up my clothes later you can meet the band that im going to be staying with” I was so excited, well that was putting it mildly “ok, bye mom see you later” as I walked back into the living area all eyes were on me it was like a police interrogation for Christ’s sake, all of a sudden Andy piped up “I’ve spoken to the guys they all think it will be awesome if you come on the rest of the tour with us, but as you have said it is up to your mom so, what has she said?” the guys all look like they really wanted me to come on tour who am I kidding I wanted to go on tour with them “well im afraid to say this, but it looks like your all going to have to put up with me for another 3 months” the guys all began to smile uncontrollably C.C even fist punched the air god was it that much of a deal to have me on tour with them. All I know is this is going to be the best 3 months of my life. 

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