the date

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As 7’oclock rolled around I was still trying to find out what to wear for my date with Andy so far I had came up with a red dress with a black lacy corset with a black checked band around the top the dress overall came just above my knee to go with it I put on some red flats with a black bow on the front after that I went straight onto the makeup and my hair I straightened my mousey brown hair that I got from my mom and I put a red bow in the side of my hair that was the opposite side that my fringe was on and put a Smokey eye effect with eye shadow then it was time to go I checked myself over in the mirror one last time finally deciding I looked presentable for where ever im going as on queue Andy knocked on the bathroom door considering we are on the tour bus and it’s the only place I could get changed so that the boys couldn’t see me as usual jinx was skyping Sammi god they make such a cute couple I wish me and Andy would be like that some day if this date leads us anywhere, I opened the door to Andy and he just looked blown away “wow, you look beautiful” he finally said after about five minutes of staring at me that I was not to happy about I was already self conscious as it is. Andy took my hand in his and we walked into the main area as all the guys just turned and looked at me with wide eyes and jaws open “now, now boys close your mouths you’ll catch flies” I said with a cheeky wink just as ash shot one back “so you ready to go” Andy said with excitement just ready to burst out of every pore  “two minutes I have just got to grab my bag” as I walked into the bunks to grab my bag I heard sobbing coming from the bunk jinx was in carefully I pulled the curtain back to see jinx crying “hey, what’s wrong” I asked softly, as he looked up at me through his hair you could really see that something was wrong with him “sammi broke up with me she’s flying to England next week she will be gone forever I wont get to see her unless we do any shows in England and we don’t do those very often, I don’t know what to do carter Im stuck in a hole and I cant get out” he said between sobs I really thought that sammi and jinx were going to be together forever they were like Cinderella and prince charming the real life version “jinx I don’t know what to say but I will come and talk to you as soon as I get back from my date with Andy I promise” he looked down to his laptop and sighed “ok buttercup have fun” wow buttercup he’s never called me that before its … sweet


Carter was taking forever in the bunks I best go and check on her see if she’s ok as I walked into the bunks she was walking out and I bumped into her “oh I was coming to look for you I thought you’d hurt yourself” the worry just dripping from my voice “look im ok all good not a scratch” she said with amusement lingering in her voice “lets go” and with that I practically pulled her out of the bus and into the car “Andy, where are we going?” she asked out of curiosity “were going somewhere in a car to a place only I know and if u ask where were going again then ill have to tickle you to death and I don’t want to do that it wont be funny if I do” I couldn’t tell her where we were going it was a secret and I have a little plan the car ride was silent apart from my music that’s running through the speakers about five minutes later when the car finally came to a halt outside the gate of a park carter looked at me with a glimpse of excitement in her eyes, eagerly she unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out of the car I never realised how much her eyes glistened under the moonlight I stepped outside the car myself and walked around to her and finally plucked up the courage and then I reached for her hand and entwined our fingers she was taken aback at first but then calmed down “you ready for this its kind of a special place from when I was a kid I used to come here and write down my thoughts of what happened that day me and my mom and dad used to drive around a lot and we stopped in the hotel just down the road before so my dad used to take me to the park when I got restless we used to do that every year and a few years ago I wrote my thoughts down under the big sycamore tree over there” I pointed at a giant tree in the far corner of the park me and the guys came down here earlier on and decorated the tree we put white lights that were battery operated through the branches with a red and white checker table cloth laid down under the tree with a few candles around it and a picnic basket in the middle “wow Andy this is amazing I know this is going to sound stupid but this is my very first date so I don’t know what to think of but if every date would have been like this and I hadn’t of been rejected all the time I would have loved everything more than I did in school” as she said this I saw a few tears slip from her eyes as she looked down at her shoes slowly I lifted up her chin to look at me and wiped her tears away with my thumb

“hey, a girl with eyes like that should never show sadness, now come on lets go and sit down”

 I hated it I could see the pain in her eyes when she felt pain it ripped out my heart I needed to get her out of this mood she’s an amazing person how many people could have hurt her it just made me want to kill every single one of them I can really feel something with me and carter something I have never felt before like every time she tells me a piece of her past that makes me feel so angry like I just want to wrap my arms around her and hold her till the pain has gone and I just don’t understand what has gone on in her life before I met her as we sat down her dress lifted up just the tiniest bit and I thought I saw worthless calved into her legs by scars is this what people have driven her to do its no way anyone should be treated or driven to do at all people on this earth can be sick at times I was that angry about this why do bad things always happen to the best of people and that’s when it hit me like someone had just hit me in the face with a rake like in tom and jerry ha you got to love British cartoons… I like carter


Andy had been quiet for about 5 minutes now and I was really beginning to worry, had I done something to annoy him was he realising that he didn’t like me all of these thoughts began flooding into my head like a major tsunami I think he saw the worry in my eyes because he finally snapped out of his daze and got the picnic basket from behind his beloved tree that held so many memory’s from him and his childhood with his mom and dad coming down here as a child I wonder what it was like to have a dad who was there and who cared not to have him run away or abuse your mom and you when you’re just 3 years of age I didn’t know I was crying until I heard a quiet and sad sob escape from my lips and a tear ran down my face that Andy quickly wiped away from my cheek he lifted my face up so slightly so that I was looking into his eyes those beautiful blue eyes that I could get lost in all day that were like the Caribbean water so clear and blue before I could register anything that was happening Andy’s lips had gently brushed against mine although it was only brief and short I could still tell what was hidden behind it, a meaning even though I wasn’t sure exactly what that meaning was there was still one there none the less

“Come on let’s get back to the bus you’re getting cold” he said with concern filling his voice.

I didn’t realise I had Goosebumps on my arms until he slid his leather jacket on my back but because he is like 6ft 3 and im only 5ft 3 it practically came down to the same length of my dress and the arms just fell of my hands like when you were a kid and you put your dads jackets on you and you were like yeah im an arm flappy thing pretending you were a butterfly or a fairy.

As we got up and went to walk out of the park I realised why Andy went so quiet a couple of minutes ago my scars the horrible scars that I had cursed myself to live with on my arms legs and a few on my stomach

“Hey little red you coming” he chuckled at the nickname for me as a glint of amusement passed through his eyes very quickly but still noticeable.

Little red its new creative and I like it well im now hoping to be hearing more of that in my life.

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