hes abusive and you stand up for yourself. part 2.

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"whoever was in my head was right, I didn't deserve this"

"why Justin??" you asked, tears falling down your face from hurt and anger.

"why what?" he asked.

"why do you do this shit to me?? hurting me for no reason. you're not the same anymore"
I felt another stinging pain coming from my cheek. he slapped me again. "don't get smart with me" he spat and turned around to walk out of the room. I had enough. I grabbed a glass picture frame of me and him and threw it at the back of his head.
"I've had enough. I've been putting up with your abusiveness for too damn long, I'm done." I stomped to our shared closet and grabbed enough suitcases and duffel bags for all of my stuff. I started packing all of my stuff.
During that time, he didn't come to stop me. huh, guess he doesn't love me like he used to. punk ass nigga. i thought, packing my stuff.
When I was finally finished, I grabbed all of my suitcases and stuff and trudged down the stairs, when I was met by Justin standing in front of the stairs.

"where the hell do you think you're going??" he asked.

I scoffed. "nigga don't start with me, trying to play that 'if you leave me you're not gonna be with anybody else' type shit. I'm done with yo ass. you've been doing this shit for almost a fucking month my nigga. you ain't finna do me like this nooo fucking more. " and with that, I walked out of the door.
He followed after me but I was already in the car. "and next time you touch me, I'm sending my brother to come and beat yo ass !!" I yelled, backing out of the driveway and driving away. Time to start a new life.


sorry it's so short!! it was a quickie. if you have any more ideas for my next imagine, or you wanna send some feedback or you wanna hate, go ahead and comment. everybody's welcome, hater or not !! 😊. lmao, I'm so petty. 🌚 anyways, I hope y'all liked it. remember to vote and comment !! love y'all !!

- L I Y A H 😩💓👑

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