Chapter 1

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"Erica, come on Eri wake up or else you'll be late for school" mom yelled from downstairs, interrupting my fantasy dreams.

Ugghh... this sucking school.

"Yeah mom I am up, coming in ten minutes" I replied with my eyes shut. I yawned and got up rubbing my eyes and groggily headed towards the washroom for a shower. I was not a very deep sleeper like my elder brother, Edward, so mom never had struggle hard to wake me up, also today was going to my first day at Mount High School so I was already robbed off the sleep. Its not that I was hesitant to face new people rather I was much awaiting this day but the only thing that concerned me was how to answer the question " what's wrong with your accent? "

Yeah, my bizarre accent. I have never been able to figure out why do I speak differently. Every new person asks that whether I am from Australia because according to them I speak in a typically Australian manner. Though, my parents and Edward have the normal British accent but I don't know from where I have inherited this.

I was dwelling in these thoughts when I realized that I had been in shower for a long time and probably mom would be furious at me. So I quickly came out of shower and wore a black skinny jeans and white shirt considering it the perfect outfit for high school. I went down stairs and had my breakfast, pancakes as usual.

"So Miss Erica, how are you feeling about going to new school? I am sure there are lot of butterflies in your stomach at the moment. Isn't it? , dad asked with a wink while drinking his coffee.

"Not at all daddy, I have been eagerly looking forward to it and I think you know that your daughter is a very daring person.", I said with a smiley face.

"Hmmm... I like your confidence. So today I'll be dropping you Eri and from tomorrow you can take your own car. Is that okay." He asked.

"Sure daddy", I replied softly.

"I think we should leave now, its already 7:35 and you shouldn't be late on your first day." He said getting up from his chair and heading towards the main door.

I also got up from the breakfast table and went towards the kitchen to say goodbye to mom. She pecked me on cheek and gave a thumbs up. Edward's college was starting two days later so he was still in bed and had wished me good luck at night. Then I picked my bag from the sofa and went outside. I sat in dad's car and we reached the school in about ten minutes.

Entering the school premises, I could see everything different. New people, new place and new friends. It was a good feeling mixed with joy and perplex. I noticed a signboard mentioning 'school office' so I approached in that direction without wasting more time. An elderly woman was sitting there working on computer.

"Excuse me", I said which made her look up.

"Yes, how may I help you dear", she sweetly asked.

"I am Erica Franklin and today is my first day here so - "

"Oh, new student wait I will hand over you your timetable and locker keys, by the way I am Miss Jenny , the administrative head." She told me with a gentle expression. She gave me a hard copy of my timetable and my locker keys so I thanked her and went to the locker to take my books.

After taking the books I headed towards my first class which was English. On my way, I bumped into a guy who was walking while looking at his phone. His phone fell and he was pissed off which could be seen in his dark blue eyes.

"Can't you girls watch out, always crashing into guys? I think all of you are blind." he yelled at me tempestuously.

"I think it was your fault, you should watch out while walking instead of using cell phone", I replied wildly in my distinguished accent.

"Stop blaming me you newbie, you don't even know whom you are messing with, I would have taught you a menacing lesson if I didn't have much more prodigious work to do, so thank your luck and leave my way", he howled and left from there while giving me a threatening glare.

I snubbed his expression, picked up my books and continued walking when suddenly something clicked my mind. I turned back to look at him but he was out of sight. I felt like I had seen him before or there was some familiarity in him but I could not exactly recall it as my mind was in a blurred vision at the moment. Thus, realizing the time I hurried my steps to the classroom.

Stepping in the classroom I could view students gossiping, screaming, whispering and chatting, everyone looked at me for a second and resumed their activities. I spotted an empty corner in the second row and decided to occupy it. I was flickering through my books when I heard a delicate voice.

"Hi I am Ashley, would you mind me accompany you?" she asked gently.

"Of course not, in fact I will be glad to have you as my partner.", I replied with a wide smile.

She sat beside me and before we could start talking the teacher entered. Everyone stood up to greet her and she gestured us to sit.

"So, I am your English teacher for this semester and you can call me Miss Rose." She introduced herself

She was a young, beautiful lady and seemed to be in her early thirties. Her beauty was complemented by her blonde hair tied in a high pony tail and her brown glittering eyes.

The rest of the class remained introductory and boring. She explained some of the rules and regulations and we were assigned to write a short poem which would assess our writing skills. After the class ended, everyone moved outside, including Ashley and me following her.

"As you are a new entrant, I would tell you some interesting things about Mount. By the way, are you Australian?" she asked raising her eyebrow.

Geez I was expecting this only and now I don't have the slightest idea what to answer.

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