chapter 2

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"N.. nn.. no, not at all, I... I don't belong to Australia, I am purely English.", I stammered.

"Ohh.. that's quite peculiar, I mean the way you speak is entirely Australian and as far as I know it has always been strenuous for English people to get into this accent so fluently.", she said with bewilderment.

"Honestly, even I don't know why this is happening with me. It's like a miracle because when I started speaking initially, it came out that way, so there is no specific reason behind this." I uttered trying to satisfy the uncertainty.

"Hmmm... if it's that what you say. Anyways, which class do you have now?" she enquired.

"I have Physics right now. What about you?" I immediately answered.

"I have Mathematics, so that means we won't be together. Can I have a look at your timetable?" she queried.

I nodded while handing over my timetable to her. She speedily examined it and said "we have last two periods together so I will tell you about rest of the things later and don't forget you have to sit with my group in the lunch break so do wait for me in the cafeteria. Bye for now.", she gave me short wave and then we parted ways in the corridor.


In the physics class, I was a bit late to enter but the bell had not yet rung so I still had time to settle. All the seats were consumed except for one beside the same guy whom I had a tiff with. I approached and settled there whilst his back was tilted. I couldn't resist perceiving the familiar face that I was failing to recognize the second time. I was exploring my thoughts with my eyes fixed on him when he smacked on the table indicating his presence and causing me to look away.

"Stop glaring me like that, I know I am the most handsome person on this earth but unfortunately your wish of winning over me will never come true.", he sarcastically said with a cruel smirk and the same gruesome expression on his face. I couldn't control my giggle on his words.

"Calling yourself handsome is the complete insult of that word, if you consider yourself handsome then I swear girls would have had the greatest crush on beasts", I replied with a sinister smile and from the corner of my eye I could see him getting at hulk. He clenched his fists and was about to utter something when the teacher entered the class. Everyone stood up to greet him and the introduction began. He was a tall man in his forties with few strands of white hair in dense dark brown. He looked like a soft spoken yet a stern teacher.

"I am Simon Smith and will be teaching you physics, though I know most of you but still I would like you all to give a short introductory speech about yourself", he said and the process initiated from the first bench. One by one everyone introduced themselves and the name of the guy sitting adjacent to me came into my knowledge. His name was Keith Maxwell and I could see the level of popularity he had, by looking at the strength of girls giving him flirty looks but he seemed to ignore all of them.

"As you all know physics is a very dry and boring subject and most of you find it difficult as well, so in this semester we will learn physics in a different way which will keep you entertained and most of the knowledge drilling into your brains", he frankly informed us.

While the teacher was explaining few basics about physics I could sense the level of insecurity and antagonism increasing between me and Keith. He was least interested in the lecture which could be seen by his exasperated expressions. He shot me a death glare and then leaned towards me to say something.

"Don't think that you will be able to escape my enmity, it was you who entered into it and now you will have to face the consequences. I will soon get on you with something you can't even envisage.", he bitterly whispered trying to frighten me but he didn't knew he was threatening a dauntless person like me.

"I love unpredictable challenges", was my only reply with a wink.

This was the only conversation we had and in the rest of the period we both remained silent and barely had any eye contact.


The rest of the day remained similar with introductory speeches and getting acquainted with new teachers and new classmates. In the lunch break I sat with Ashley and her friends and Arden and Clarissa. Three of them were amiable and courteous. They warmly welcomed me into their mini group and informed me about some of the dos and don'ts of the school. They told me about Keith Maxwell, the impulsive, hot headed and rude person of the school and his two minions, Daniel Ross and William Brown. Samantha Harrison was considered the Queen of the school due to her bank balance and the beauteous looks. They advised me to stay from her as she was mean and reckless. She had always set her eyes on Keith but he never gave her a damn. Besides, the school also comprised of other sections of popular girls and guys but Keith and Samantha were the ring leaders.

After knowing all this, the only thing I could think was this year is going to be full of conflicts. Let the game begin........

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