At the Corridor

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  ~ After 2 months...

              - Hyuri's POV -

  I with Misu went down to have our registrations for the upcoming Math Camp in our school.While I with Misu walking...........

    No Minwoo: (gossips to his friends about Hyuri then made his voice loud) uhmm,uhmmm!Hey guys!There she is!The ugliest girl in our classroom!!!:P hahaha...

  His friends then laughed too and I just ignored him cause there's nothing I can do then.

     Misu: Just ignore them Hyuri,

You can have your revenge on them soon!

     I just gave Misu a fake smile,then we continue walking until we arrived to our destination where the registrar was located...Yay!!!

So, we let ourselves registered to the said camp and yes! Thank God we're already registered!Finally!!!

Then a thing came up to my mind,

" I was wondering if No Minwoo registered himself too on this said upcoming event,hmmm...Maybe,Yes??? impossible! I think his parents won't allow him to join the upcoming Math Camp cause his parents are so Strict when it comes to Outdoor activities .His parents are so protective and loves him very much...Ohh,how I wish I have that kind of parents too..Hmmm,why not ask the registrar's incharged anyways.......

    Hyuri: uhmm,Hello Maam!goodmorning!Can I just asked if there's a student named No Minwoo who was registered for the said camp???

    Registrar incharged: ok dear,let me check it first ,.............................

............ Ahh,yah,No Minwoo right?

    I nodded as a sign of "yes"

  Registar Incharged: Yes,he was registered and his parents deal with the school's principal and staff to look after him always...

  After hearing that,I said thankyou to the Registrar Incharged and my face frowned like no one can explain...:/

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