The Kitten Has Claws [Chapter 6]

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Chapter 6

"Will you stop it, you're making me nervous!" Ingrid growled for the fifth time in a minute.

Delilah gave her an apologetic look and stopped fidgeting. She had been consistently tapping her fingers or shaking her legs. "I'm sorry Ing, I'm just so anxious to see him."

"Yes I know that, but fidgeting isn't going to bring the nurse any faster." Ingrid rolled her eyes when Delilah started biting on her bottom lip. "Oh for Pete's sake, let's just go up there and see. I'll go with you so that the nurse doesn't get too mad."

Delilah jumped to her feet and gave Ingrid a quick hug, "Thank you, thank you!" She had been waiting for what seemed like hours for the nurse to come downstairs and tell her it was okay to visit Theo. He had been awake since this morning, but she wasn't allowed to see him until he had been fully checked out. They arrived at Theo's room minutes later. It had taken every ounce of willpower in Delilah to not run up the stairs and down the hall.

The nurse, a large Amazonian woman, stepped out into the hall and gave Delilah a disapproving look when she saw her standing anxiously outside the door. "You can visit him now," she said in a bored tone.

She sighed in relief and composed herself before strolling calmly into the room. Ingrid watched from the doorway as Theo grinned warmly at Delilah. "Hello Lilah," he purred.

"How do you feel?" she asked shyly, blushing at his nickname for her.

"Good as new. Nurse Willow patched me up, but sentenced me to another day of bed rest." His face was screwed up in an adorable scowl as he said this. "However," he added slyly, "it would be much better if you were here with me."

She gave a delighted smile and nodded quickly, "I would love to spend the day with you. Are you sure you want to spend it all with me though? There must be—"

Theo cut her off and laid a warm hand on her arm, "Only you."

"Disgustingly cute, aren't they?" Ingrid turned around when a gravelly voice spoke behind her. Paxton was standing there looking at Theo and Delilah in disgust. "It makes me want to hurl."

Ingrid raised an eyebrow and stared at Paxton, "Seeing your brother happy makes you want to throw up? That seems a little morbid. It seems like you're jealous of your brother."

He turned his silver gaze to hers, making her uncomfortable as he examined her closely. His eyes were hard flints of steel reflecting no emotion. With a harsh laugh he broke the look and turned away, "You're going to be a handful, aren't you?"

"Excuse me?" Ingrid said snottily, "Are you talking to me? It's polite to look at someone when you're having a conversation with them."

Paxton continued to look in the room, away from Ingrid, as he arrogantly responded to her. "I'll do whatever the hell I want. I don't need some female telling me what to do."

Ingrid choked in amazement, "No wonder you had to kidnap a woman, no one else wanted your Grade-A arrogant ass, did they?" She snorted cynically and walked away from him. It figured that she would get stuck with the jerk. All of her friends managed to be kidnapped by decent men who cared for them, but not her. Nope her bad luck continued and she got stuck with the asshole of the year.

A strong hand wrapped around her upper arm and slammed her back into the wall. Paxton loomed menacingly over her and snarled softly, "I didn't say that you could walk away."

"Oh really? I was under the impression that our conversation was over." She looked defiantly at Paxton, trying not to flinch when he pressed their bodies even closer. For being a jerk he sure had a nicely sculpted body that felt divine pressed against her. No, snap out of it Ingrid! She shook her head trying to push away any feelings.

"We're not even close to being finished," he threatened.

"Look dude," she said flippantly, "I've been in some crappy relationships and I tend to have the worst luck so I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave me alone and stop treating me like dirt. Okay?"

Paxton gave a soft laugh, "Last time I checked, I kidnapped you, making me the one in charge. That means that you don't have a say in any of this."

"Do you even know my name?" she asked snootily.

He scowled, "You are Ingrid."

She gave a surprised look before smiling slyly, "Point for Paxton." She twisted out of his grasp easily and started walking down the hallway, saying over her shoulder, "Thank you for the delightful interlude, maybe I'll catch you around later. When you aren't such an ass."

Paxton watched the mouthy blonde walk away with a slow roll of her hips. She had no idea what she did to him. It had taken every ounce of his being not to grab her and kiss her senseless. Her icy blue eyes held more emotions than a normal person should be able to. She portrayed a cynical woman that had seen too much of the world, when in reality she had been hurt numerous times. Paxton wanted to hunt down every jerk that had hurt and kill them. Slowly.

He clenched his fists and punched the wall. He hated acting like an ass towards her, but he didn't want to get too close to her. Humans were frail creatures; one wrong move and he could kill her in anger.

There was too much risk. For now, he would have to suffer from a distance, all the while wondering what she would taste like. He bet she tasted like fire and ice, the epitome of what she was. Ingrid had efficiently handled him, all without revealing any intimidation or fear. It was rare that Paxton found a woman who wasn't at least a little bit afraid of him. It wasn't his fault he came off as an asshole. Well, partially, but he too had seen too much of the world and only saw things through cynical eyes. 

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