The Kitten Has Claws [Chapter 15]

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Chapter 15

Fletcher opened the movie room and pushed Tamsin in, giving her a light tap on the butt before shutting the door with a laugh. He grinned when she growled and cursed him through the door.

"Sin?" Noelle asked cautiously from behind her.

Tamsin turned around to see all the women and Theo staring incredulously at her. They looked at her like she had finally lost it. It took her a moment to realize that she was cursing at a door. "Ahem..." she cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Were you in the room with the men?" Noelle asked desperately. She really wanted to know what was going on with the men and the new visitor.

"Yah, it was weird." Tamsin sat on the couch with a sigh and rubbed her forehead. "This guy, Jed, was at the gate, with a message from his King. Basically he said that they support the guys and will help to protect the Vessel." The girls growled. That stupid Vessel crap again. "Oh yah, and he's a werewolf."

"What?" a woman with black curls gasped weakly. Her friend, a woman with wavy brown hair also looked sickly and ready to faint.

"Oh, hi," Tamsin said nervously. She looked at the other women who shrugged, might as well tell them.

"The guys who captured us are shape shifters, panthers to be exact."

"Oh God," they muttered, scooting as far away from Theo as possible. He scowled at them, and looked away.

"Sorry, I don't know your names," Tamsin said, "I'm Tamsin, by the way. And I know this is hard to take, but you'll get used to it eventually, I hope."

The woman with curly black hair smiled shyly, "I'm Bethany, but you can call me Beth."

"I'm Quinn," the woman with wavy brown hair said more confidently.

"Nice to meet you," Tamsin smiled. "Now, as I was saying, Jed, the werewolf, is going to be staying here for a while. It's part of the supporting and protecting the Vessel deal."

Delilah made a face, "Is he nice? Or another asshole?"

Tamsin made a noncommittal sound, "He seems nice, a pretty easy going guy, I guess." She scrunched her brow as she thought back to meeting him. There didn't seem to be anything off in him. Usually she got this tingling feeling when danger was near. Jed just seemed to be a happy-go-lucky nuisance and nothing more. She didn't mistake his behavior for stupidity though. Oh no, there was a beast buried deep within him, just not one she needed to fear.

"So, what, are we going to be stuck in here until Jed leaves then?" Noelle asked.

"Not sure. Raine looked pretty pissed when he realized I was still in the room with all of them. I was hustled out real fast. What I do know is that Jed knows who the Vessel is, but—"

"He can't tell us," Noelle finished dryly. "Well shit, Raine is going to be pissed. I wouldn't be surprised if he plans to visit the Elders tomorrow."

"Elders? Vessel? What the hell is going on?" Quinn asked.

On her left, Violet and Delilah started to explain as much as they could, with the other girls adding in here and there and occasionally, Theo put in his two cents worth. Quinn and Beth looked scared shitless, but mostly confused. After about an hour of questions and answers they decided to start watching a movie to ease the tension.

"Noelle...wake up, kitten."

Noelle moaned and pushed the hand away, "Five more minutes," she whined, burying her head under the pillow.

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