New faces

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I woke up with two similar looking, unfamiliar people in my face (one was male and one was female), in an unfamiliar location. "Glad to see you awake miss!" the girl said cheerily, her braces making her smile shiny and well as bright. "Where am am I?" I asked slightly frantic. I heard the tone of my voice and calmed myself down before asking, "Who are you?" I started to sit up. The boy walked up to me and answered my questions, "You are in the House of Mystery, which is a little tourist attraction here in Skyfall." Skyfall? That's what they call this place? I thought to myself. The boy then answered my second question, "My name is Dustin, but everyone calls me Dusty," he then points to the girl and says, "That's my sister Lea, but everyone calls her Sparky." The girl then bounced her way over to stand next to Dusty, then said, "I'm the older sibling," while ruffling his golden red hair. "By five minutes," he protested while pushing her hand off his head. He then glared at her with his pale blue eyes. Sparky then playfully stuck out her tongue while giggling. I just rolled my eyes and got up to leave. "Where ya going?" Sparky asked. "None of you business," I answered. "Can you at least tell us your name?" Dusty then asked. I rolled my eyes, then said, "It's D."

I walked out of the building I was in, and walked around it until I found a wall with no window. I then unfolded my wings and tried to fly. After the first few flaps, I felt an excruciating pain coming from my left wing. I winced and tried to get of the ground. I raised my self a few feet before falling to the ground in pain. Fuck! I think it's broken. I stood back up and started walking. "Looks like you've got a bit of a predicament," said a voice, seemingly from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. I turned my head everywhere, trying to find where the voice came from. "Who said that?" I asked, a little scared. "I can see that I scared you D," the voice said, this time sounding like the person it was coming from right beside my ear. I turned around and was greeted by a guy, who looked to be about fifteen. He had black hair that went a few inches below his ears. He was wearing black pants and a red dress shirt. He was literally floating above the ground. I stumbled back and fell to the ground. "H-how do you know my name?" I stammered. I started to feel electricity coursing through my veins. "Oh, I know many things. For example..." he flew over to me and placed his finger on my chin, then pushed my head up. His red cat eyes staring into mine. "I know that your hair and eyes change color based on your emotions, temperature, or surroundings. Right now they're yellow, which means your scared. Calm down, you don't have to be scared right now, I'm not going to hurt you." I started to calm down, but I was still alert."Your eyes are a pretty color. I like the color silver," I glared at him. "Get out of my face," I said. He shook his head. "Get out of my face," I growled, Feeling fire replace the electricity that had just left my system. "Ooh, looks like the little dragon is getting mad," he said sarcastically. "I better stop." He then released my head and backed away. "My name is Markus, by the way," he said, "and I am a demon." He then grabbed my hand and said, "It was great to meet you." He then brought my hand to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. "Till we meet again," he said, then disappeared. I sat there on the ground, feeling an emotion I have never felt before. I really hope I get to see him again.

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