Old friends

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When I entered the House of Mystery, I was tackled by the twins. "Where were you?" Dusty asked. "We were worried sick!" Sparky finished. I pushed them off of me. "I just got caught up in exploring," I answered, "you don't need to worry about me. I'm 15, and you're what, 10?" Sparky placed her hands on her hips. "We're 12," she said. "Whatever," I replied, "you still don't have to worry about me." Their great uncle called us over for breakfast.
After breakfast I started walking towards the door. "Where are you going this time?" Dusty asked. "I'm going out to town. I want to see everything this town has to offer," I answered. "Don't get lost," Dusty said, walking off. I then rolled my eyes and walked out the door. I'm not going to get lost.
I was walking through the town, looking at all the buildings lining the sidewalk. I looked forward to see the back of familiar looking figure in a dark purple cloak standing a few feet away from me. "Midnight?" I asked. The figure turned around and waved. I ran towards the figure, ready to give my friend a hug. I was stopped by a pale hand holding me back. The hand grabbed to neck part of my hoodie, and pulled me towards Midnight's face. "What have I told you about hugging me," Midnight threatened in a creepy demonic voice. "Sorry, I just got excited," I apologized. Moonlight released me and took of her hood. "I know, I'm just not much of a hugger," Midnight said in her normal, and way less terrifying, voice. "Hey, is Valentine with you?" I asked. "She was, but she must have gotten lost some.." Midnight was interrupted by a blur of pink tackling her in a hug from the sky. Valentine. Midnight shoved Valentine off of her. "Valentine! Stop hug attacking me!" Midnight scolded. "Sorry," Valentine giggled, dusting of her pink skirt, "I just love hugs!"  "You love everything, Val," I said rolling my eyes. Valentine turned around, squealed, and launched towards me, squeezing me in a hug. "Can't. Breath." I said gasping for air. When Val is excited, her hug turns into a death grip. "Sorry... Again..." Val replied cheerily. Once I caught my breath, I asked them the main question that was on my mind. "So..." I started, "Why are you guys here?" Valentine flipped her long, bubble gum pink side ponytail, her rose red streak adding a slight pop of color to her already colorful hair. "We came to get you!" She answered cheerily. Midnight walked up beside Val, who started to play with Midnight's short, dark purple hair. Midnight glared at Val with her soulless black eyes, and Val lowered her hand. "Your uncle has taken over the kingdom," Midnight explained. "Why do you need my help? Can't my mom take care of him? He is her sister," I asked, slightly nervous. "He locked your mother in a dungeon cell," Midnight replied. "What?!" I said, surprised, "How? Why didn't my dad stop him?" The two of them fell silent. "What's wrong?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly. Midnight looked over to Val. Val walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. Her usually smiling face now had a look of sadness and sympathy. "I'm... Sorry..." She started, "your dad was... Murdered..." My mouth dropped open. I felt tears start to well up in my eyes, and water course through my veins. Val wrapped her arms around me in a hug. "Just let it out." I then did just that. I started bawling. Water poured out of my eyes like a waterfall. Val patted my back as I bawled my eyes out. When my crying softened, Val let go of me. I lifted my head and took two steps back. Val started to squeeze water out of her soaking wet t-shirt sleeve. "Are you going to save the kingdom or not?" Midnight asked, "Our kingdom need our princess." "I can't leave," I answered. "Why not?" Both of my friends asked confused. I looked around and found an alley. I grabbed my friends and pulled them into the alley. "I can't leave because," I unfolded my wings, then continued speaking, "I can't fly."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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