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"Rex come on honey! Oh and bring Yuki's bag!" Yusei yelled holding a baby boy that was three months old.

It had been two years since the battle between light and darkness and between that time Rex and him got married and had a child named Yuki, Raphael, Goodwin, Fudo.

Rex had just walked in and had the baby's bag in hand. Yusei cooed at the baby and he giggled reaching for a piece of his hair. During his pregnancy, Yusei's hair had grown longer and was currently in a ponytail with some hanging in his face.

"You ready love?" Rex asked kissing him then kissed the baby's forehead. "Yes! Let's go." he answered and they left for the party.

It was Jack's and Akiza's anniversary. They had gotten married one year ago and had a baby girl on the way. Leo and Luna had finally gotten their parents attention so they spent time with them, Crow was captain of the royal guard and was going out with Shari and Martha was head of the healers.

Hasuke and Roman stayed and hung out with them all the time and lastly Sebastian was still the same. They went to the party and celebrated the special occasion.

It lasted well into the night and Yusei had to go put the baby to bed so Rex wished everyone good night and they went to bed.

After putting the baby to sleep and in the crib, they went and stood outside together and looked at the stars. Rex kissed his mating mark and Yusei sighed happily.

"You know, I'm so glad I fell of my dwheel and hit my head or else you would've been dead already." Yusei said and Rex chuckled softly.

"Me too love, me too." he agreed and kissed him on the cheek. Yusei looked up and wrinkled his nose cutely making Rex laugh.

They were interrupted by laughing and shushing coming from the roof. Rex smirked and kissed Yusei's cheek and disappeared and next thing Yusei knew he heard laughing and yelling and everyone came running off the roof behind him.

"Yusei get your husband! He's trying to kill US!" Crow yelled laughing. "Well you guys should mind your business!" Rex said and Yusei giggled.

Yuki started to cry and Yusei went in and got him giving him a bottle of milk and bringing him out with the others.

"I still can't believe you're a mother! Man it's weird seeing you look so natural with that child in your arms. I kinda forget you used to be our leader." Akiza said rubbing her stomach.

"Yeah me too-" Yusei was saying until Hasuke came in charging towards him crying.

"YUSEI MY BEAUTIFUL SON! YOU FINALLY GOT A MAN AND NOW I'M A GRANDFATHER! OH JOY COME HERE!" he said but got kicked in the gut and face by both Yusei and Rex who had angry tick marks on their foreheads.

"Must you be so damn loud you idiot!" Rex said kicking him again and sent him flying up into the sky. Yuki started laughing and Hasuke cried and started sulking in the corner mumbling saying something like "my grandson has turned on me and evil Rex has corrupted my sweet son" and Rex rolled his eyes.

Yusei backed up and stood in front of Rex still feeding Yuki. After he burped him, Yuki started trying to talk and clapped his hands making bubbles appear around him.

Yusei smiled and kissed his nose earning a giggle and a gnaw on his finger. "He's so cute!" Roman said cooing at his nephew.

Yusei smiled and gave Yuki to Roman and he held him cooing and playing with him. Rex wrapped his arms around Yusei's wide waist and put his chin on his shoulder and Yusei leaned back against him.

"Love you must be tired, why don't we all head to bed. We do have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Rex replied and Yusei yawned and nodded.

They all went to bed and Yusei put the baby to bed who had falling asleep when Roman was playing with him. They got in bed and Yusei instantly scooted closer to Rex and snuggled against him.

"Good night Rex...I love you." he said and laid his head down on Rex's chest. "I love you too Yusei." Rex replied and Yusei fell asleep.

Rex smiled and stared at the ceiling closing eyes happily. 'It doesn't get better than this.' he thought and followed Yusei into sleep soon after.

The end


A/N: Done finally! Thank you for choosing to read this book and please suggest any other books you guys want me to write if you want. Now if you want to read any other books of mine go to my page. Thank and good day to all.

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