Castiel - Fireflies

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With a loud sigh you fell in your bed. The boys were on a hunt again so all you could do was wating for them to call you to research something. Or for them to come home. It didn't bother you that you had to stay in the bunker. They  were fine. You knew you could help them better by doing research and keeping the bunker nice and clean. And baking pie for when they returned.

But without them being around it was boring. You looked around in your room to find something to do. You eventually decided to catch up with some series. So you grabbed your laptop and pushed the 'on' button. While it was loading you went to the kitchen to grab some snacks before returning to your room. You quickly started Netflix and prepared everything for a long session. 

You were halfway through the second episode when you heard voices.

"(Y/N)! We're home!" Dean shouted through the empty bunker. 

In a hurry you paused your series and jumped up and ran to welcome them.

With a smile on your face you notice the brothers weren't injured seriously. They looked tired, though. Dean pulled you into a brotherly hug, before letting Sam do the same. After he let go you looked around confused.

"Uhm, guys? Where's Cas?"

"Said he had to do some serious angel business in heaven. Sorry, kiddo, he gave us no more info," Dean replied. 

You were still confused but shrugged it off for the moment. Castiel surely had his reasons to not come to you first. 

"(Y/N), you're the best," you heard Dean say. He must have found the pie. Smiling you turned around.

"You know me, Dean. Always prepared for you to come home," you winked.

The boys decided they need some rest, so after eating some pie they went to their rooms, leaving you alone again. You also went to your room and continued watching your series. You wanted to stay awake until Castiel came. Not only to welcome him but also to make sure everything was okay. 

After two hours you began to worry seriously. Castiel didn't come home. You knew nothing about his wellbeing or his current whereabouts. You considered asking Dean if he knew anything, but that would include waking him. And the boy needed his rest. So you could just wait. 

After another episode you began to feel sleepy. So you changed into your pajamas and tried to sleep. But the thoughts of Castiel kept you awake. Why didn't he come to you, before going to heaven? Why didn't he tell Sam or Dean anything? Why didn't he tell you anything?

In that moment, you heard the familiar flutter of wings. Quickly you sat up to, looking into the direction the noise came from. And there he was. Your angel. His dark hair was ruffled in every possible dirction and there were red stains on the trenchcoat. And yet he smiled. 

"I am sorry. I did not intend to wake you," he said. You jumped out of your bed to pull him into a deep hug. 

"I was awake anyway, idiot. I couldn't sleep. I was worried! I didn't knew anything about where you were or if you were alright," you mumbled into the warmth of his coat. Castiel began to rub your back gently.

"I am so sorry, (Y/N). I would have returned earlier if it had not been urgent. I," he began but you cut him off 

"It's okay, Cas. I already guessed that it was important. Otherwise you would've come to me first, wouldn't you?"

"Of course, (Y/N). You know how important you are to me." 

He kissed the top of your head. 

"And you can't imagine how sorry I am. I want to make amends for this."

"You don't need to, Cas. It's alright, really", you tried to convince him. But that did not work out well.

"No, (Y/N). I need to apologise. Today wasn't the first time I came back that late. And believe me, I can't stand the thought of you going to bed alone, not knowing if you are alright. And not knowing if I am able to come back to you."

He pulled you even closer, as if he was afraid of loosing you. Suddenly you heard the flutter of wings again. That confused you. Why would Cas teleport you somewhere? You pulled away from his embrace, a confused look in your eyes.

"Cas, wha-," you stopped, as you looked at your surrounding.

It was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen. Shimmering lights were dancing all over the meadow. Their dance seemed to follow no rule, to be completely random. And yet it seemed perfect. 

You could not resist so you stood up and ran to the lights, fireflies how you now realised, holding the sleeve of Castiel's trenchcoat and pulling him with you. He smiled gently as he saw the light reflecting in your eyes, these eyes he fell in love with. Not only the beauty of your surrounding was stunning but also your beauty was fascinating him. You looked around in awe, still admiring the breathtaking atmosphere of this place. You then turned to Castiel to look him in the eyes. His face was lit by the soft shimmer of the lights, his blue eyes staring right into yours. 

He slowly took of his trenchcoat laid it on your shoulders, helping you to slip your arms in, as if he was afraid that you would catch a cold. That caused you to smile even more. Castiel then took one of your hands in his and placed his other on on your hip. You let out a sound of surprise as he began to spin you around, now slowly dancing with you to the rythm of the fierflies. He in his suit, you in your pajamas and his coat.

"Where did you learn to dance?", you aked curiously as you tiled your head to look the angel in the eyes again.

He smiled sheepishly.

"I had some help."

That caused you to chuckle. You imagined Castiel awkwardly dancing with Sam and Dean while they tried to make it look as less awkward as possible. Without managing to do that, of course. 

Castiel pulled you closer so that your head rested at his chest, the both of you still dancing. He rested his chin on top of your head. Even trough the suit you could feel his heartbeat, this calming rythm you loved to listen to.

You couldn't help but smile. This was perfect. You forgot about everything. About all the evil out there, about all the pain. Everthing that mattered was right there with you. 

//AN: Sooo this was the first thing I ever posted >.<

I really hope you enjoyed it. If you find any mistakes please let me know (I'm not a native speaker so it's likely that I make some mistakes ^^')

I also would be grateful if someone would volunteer for reading through my stuff before I upload it or someone that I can ask questions about english grammar and stuff. For me it's important to give you (if someone is even reading this xD) stuff with as less mistakes as possible. 

So yeah, thanks for reading if you did. 

I wish you a happy day/week/month/year/life and I'll se you next time (hopefully)


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