Kevin Tran - Boats and ships

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The sound of the motor filled the silence. You looked out of the window, sunken in your thoughts. You needed time to work through everything that happend to you.

Everthing started out normal. You were a normal student, living in a normal city. You were studying to get a normal job and live in a normal life. But it changed when two FBI agents showed up at your door and asking to see a bracelet you got from another student you knew from your university as a birthday present two days before. It turned out that the bracelet was cursed and the student wanted you to fall in love with them. Apparently the students mother was a witch that helped her children to be successful in their lives. Luckily you did not like the bracelet so you never wore it at this point. The two agents turned out to be monster hunters, the Winchesters, who travelled around the country and killed everything that was not human. That's at least what you think you understood from their explanation. 

The worst thing was that these hunters managed it to destroy your flat completely during the process of finding and disarming the bracelet. So you had no place to stay. Which really freaked you out at first. There was no one you could live with. The Winchesters decided it would be a great idea to take you with them and bring you to a save place at first. You did not know what 'save place' that would be, but you decided to trust them. They saved you so why would they want to harm you now? If they wanted to harm you, they would have done it by now. You were driving about one and a half hour now so there was plenty of time you three had spent together. 

You had not said a word since the brothers offered you to take you with them. Sometimes you felt the older one, Dean, glance at you through the rearview mirror. You guessed he was concerned about your health. But you felt okay, except for the fact that your normal old life was shattered into pieces and now you had to go back to square one. 

"You should sleep. We still need to drive a while so you can get some rest", Dean's voice cut through the silence. You nodded. Maybe he was right. Maybe you really should get some sleep. It was not until this moment that you felt how tired and exhausted you really were. So you closed your eyes and nearly immediately you drifted off in a deep and refreshing sleep.

You woke up by someone carefully shaking your shoulder.


You slowly opened your eyes, just to see Sam's face hovering above yours.

"You need to get out. We arrived." 

He smiled gently as you climbed out of the car, still a bit tired from your long sleeping session. Sam led you to what the brothers called a save place. It was a boat. A gigantic boat.

"Are you kidding me?," you asked Dean, who was waiting with your bag. This was not what you imagined as save. It looked more like it would be at least a thousand years old.

"Actually we're not. Slept well, sleeping beauty?," he winked at you.

"Better than I thought I would, thanks. But seriously, what is this?," you asked, not reacting to his nickname for you.

"A save place," Sam answered as he knocked at the door. You were standing behind the brothers and peeked curiously at the door as it opened. That was a mistake how you realised as you were soaked in water.

"What the hell was that for?," you screamed, while you heard a simultaneous and annoyed "Kevin!" from Sam and Dean. Who was Kevin? 

You tried to dry your face with your sleve so that you could at least see without getting water in your eyes. While doing that you heard a male voice which you did not recognise.

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