Sam Winchester - Nightmares

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Sam Winchester had nightmares. 

That was one of the first things you learned after moving in with him into the bunker. It was not unusual for you to wake up in the night and see Sam fighting his inner demons.

This was one of those nights. 

Sam, Dean and you had been on a hunt. A wendigo had attacked and killed five people and so you went out to hunt him down. Everything went fine, until you arrived in his cave. While Sam was helping the three surviving victims to get out, you and Dean were distracting the wendigo. But as Sam was returning to the cave to help the last vic, a woman about your age, the wendigo suddenly ran away from you and in the direction of the woman. No one was prepared for this move. As you and Dean were following the wendigo you could already hear Sam cursing and shouting insults at the monster while the woman was screaming in fear and pain. You were wondering why Sam did not set the thing on fire but then you realised that like this you would hurt the woman, too. But before any of you could try to get the wendigo off her, he already dropped her lifeless body. He then turned around slowly, blood dropping from his claws and jaw. He was staring at you, his lifeless eyes fixed on every move you did. You slowly walked backwards in Sam's direction. As you bumped against his chest he slung his arms around you and you knew that you were save. In the same moment Dean threw a torch at the wendigo. He immediately caught fire and let out a sound of pain, before he fell to the ground, not moving. 

You were glad it was over but in the same time you were sad that the woman did not survive. That you were not able to save her.

You knew that Sam was thinking even worse. He was blaming himself because he could not stop the wendigo. He was blaming himself because he could not save the woman. He always did that when a hunt went wrong. So you hugged him tightly, rubbing his back in a gentle, calming way. You felt Sam's hands gripping the back of your jacket as if he was searching for something to hold on to.

"It's not your fault," you mumbled, again and again. You knew that it would not help Sam with his thoughts, but at least it helped calming him down for the moment.

During the drive to the bunker the three of you remained silent. Everyone was in their own thoughts about what happened and why it happened. It was an uncomfortable silence. Not even Dean's music was playing. So you were happy to finally get out of the Impala when you arrived. You were exhausted and tired so you wished Dean a good night and tooks Sam's hand, to lead him to your room. He still did not say a word. With a sigh you made your way to the shower. After cleaning yourself up you changed into your pajamas, which meant shorts and one of Sam's old and way to big t-shirts. You brushed your teeth and dried you hair quickly, before putting it into a messy bun. When you reentered your room, Sam was already in bed, his hair still wet from the shower he took. You turned off the lights and crawled under the sheets. Sam was facing the other way so you wrapped your arms around him and buried you face in his neck. You then searched for Sam's hands and after you found them you hold them tightly, showing Sam that he was not alone.

But that was not enough to keep the nightmares away. In the middle of the night you woke up. At first you did not know why but then you noticed Sam next to you, shifting around restlessly. You could see his eyes moving quickly under his eyelids and immediately knew he was having a nightmare.

Gently you shook his shoulder while saying his name. He did not react, but shifted around even more. 

"Sam," you called him, louder now.

"Sam, wake up. Sam!"

He finally opened his eyes. He scanned the surrounding, then his eyes landed on you.

"(Y/N), everything okay?" 

"I could ask you the same, idiot. You ware having a nightmare. Again." You sighed.

Sam brought himself in a kind of sitting position, leaning on his ellbows. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you up. You should go back to sleep, (Y/N)," he mumbled.

"Sam. I can't sleep when I know you can't. I don't want you to have these dreams. I want to help. Tell me what you dreamed about. You don't have to do this alone. "

Sam just looked at you the whole time in silence. Then he suddenly hugged you. It was the same kind of you you shared earlier. He was clinging at the back of your shirt, searching for support. You laid you head on his shoulder and rubbed circles at his back. 

"It was you," Sam said.

"I was dreaming about you. And the wendigo. He captured you and I was trying to save you but - but I wasn't fast enough and then you - you -," he could not finish his sentence but you knew enough. You felt your shirt getting wet where Sam's head lay. He was crying.

"Shht. It was just a dream, Sam. I'm here and I'm save," you mumbled.

"But this could happen any day. I wasn't able to save the woman today. What if one day I won't be able to save you?" His voice was weak and interrupted by sobs every now and then. It broke your heart to see Sam like this.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault. Nobody could've guessed what the wendigo was up to. We weren't prepared. Stop blaming yourself, please." 

Sam did not say anything, he just hold on to you to make sure he would not loose you. You hugged him for what seemed like an eternity before sinking back down in the bed. Sam faced you this time and he wrapped his arms around you, holding you as close as possible. He kissed your forehead and looked into you eyes.

"I love you. And I will make sure that no one will ever hurt you. Nothing will happen to you, because I will protect you."


Guys. I'm sorry I didn't upload last week but it was so stressful and I had no time or motivation to write -.-Maybe I'm going to upload another chapter Friday or Saturday, because I didn't last week

Also, I feel like this chapter sucks...I don't know why but yeah...

Again: I apologise for any mistakes but I'm still searching someone to read over the stuff I write because I am no native yeah, if you find mistakes, let me know (:

And if you want me to write something, you can always suggest ideas

I wish you a happy day/week/month/year/life and I hope to see you nest time


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