Dean Winchester - Studying

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"Dean, I can't do this," you claimed as you burried your head in your hands. 

Dean, who just returned from a hunt, looked around in your room. Books and notepads were spread out all over the bed, empty bottles and and candy wrappers were covering the floor. You were studying for your exams. Or at least trying to do so. 

Dean knew how important it was for you to get good grades and even though he did not admit it, you knew he was glad that you did not wanted to be a hunter. He wanted you to be save. Maybe because of that he wanted you to get good grades, too. So he did everything to make studying as comfortable and easy for you as possible. 

When he was in the bunker he cooked for you, made snacks for you and he made sure there was always coffee or tea in reach. When you needed a break he was there to massage your back and neck or just to cuddle if you needed someone to lean on to. He even changed the radio to music that would not distract you instead of your beloved rock. And when he was not at home because of a hunt, like the last couple of days, he always called you at least twice a day to make sure you were okay and not too stressed. You guessed he would even drive all the way to the bunker and ignore the hunt, if you said you were not.

You were glad that Dean was always there for you. Most people would never think that he could be this caring for anyone except Sam. But he did care about you. A lot. 

And so it did not wonder you when Dean came to your bed, pushed a few books aside and sat next to you. 

"What's it this time?", he asked, looking through your notes.

"Biology. You know, I really like it but it's just so damn hard," you complained. 

"I think you need a break," Dean said smiling and took your hand. 

"But I've got a lot to do. I need to get thought this today!" 

Dean did not reply to this. He just gently pulled you with him. You hesitated at first but then you followed him. Maybe he was right. Maybe you really needed a break.

"How about we make a short trip? Weather's nice, we should take advantage of that," he smiled. 

You just shrugged, not able to say anything because you were that exhausted from the two hours you had already studied today.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun. And you really need to get out of here. When was the last time you went outside? Three days ago? Four?"

You shrugged again. It felt like your days consisted of learning, eating and sleeping. Occasionally you would also watch a movie in the evening. But most of the time you were too tired and/or exhausted for that. Stupid study.

"You really need that break," Dean said, hin voice sounded concerned now. 

"Maybe you're right. I need to get away from that study stuff for a while," you finally admitted. 

Dean laid an arm across your shoulders and led you to the Impala. As you sat down he told you to wait a moment and ran back to the bunker, just to reappear with a bag. You supposed there was some hunting stuff in it. He threw it in the back and sat beside you in the driver's seat. 

The weather was really nice so Dean pulled down the windows to let the fresh air clear your mind. He then turned on some music and you two jammed out to the sweet tunes of classic rock.

"Don't stop believing, hold on to that feeling," you sang along.

You could feel Dean glancing over with a grin on his face.

"Eyes on the street, Winchester," you giggled. You really felt the stress of studying falling off you with every second you spent outside the bunker with Dean. 

"I'm just glad you're doing better," he said.

The rest of the day went great. Dean took you out to a nice diner. You realised that this was the first time in a week that you had food that did not came from a can or out of the freezer. Wow your life really went shitty the last couple of days without Dean watching over you.

After the meal Dean lead you to a park, where you sat down on a bench and just enjoyed the sun and each others presence.

Suddenly you jerked up. 

"Dean, what are we even doing here? I need to study! I need to get the chapter done today!"

You were ready to jump off the bench and run to the Impala. But Dean grabbed your hand, keeping you on the bench with him.

"(Y/N). Look at me."

You looked in his eyes, these candy apple green eyes.

"You need to calm down. I know that you have to study. But you can't push your health behind that. You need to take care, okay?"

You nodded, silently agreeing with him. "Yeah. But still, I-", you were cut off by Dean.

"I know, I know, you need to get that chapter done today," he chuckled.

"Give me a minute." With that he stood up and left. You were curious about what he planned to do but decided to obey and wait for him to return. 

He did return, with a bag. Specifically it was the bag he took from the bunker and that you supposed weapons in.

"What's in there?," you wanted to know.

Dean opened it and pulled out a book of yours.

"You said you meeded to learn. So I figured you could learn here, with me and I could help you," he smiled.

You smiled back, taking the bag from him and taking you notepad and pencilcase out. With a smile you noticed he also had packed some snacks, as well as a bottle of water. When you wanted to take the book from him, Dean came up with a better idea.

"How about I read to you and you write down?"

"You really don't need to do that, Dean," you smiled, still reaching for the book.

"Nah. I told you I wanted to help so I'll help. Now get your stuff ready, (L/N)."

You leaned your head against his chest and swung your legs up on the bench to use them as a rest for your notepad.

It actually worked out pretty nice. You loved listening to Deans voice anyway and it was much more pleasing to hear all that terms and explanations in his voice. You had to correct him once kr twice when he pronounced something wrong or asked him to repeat certain passages to note them down. Dean made sure you made little breaks to eat your snacks and drink water before continuing. 

When you were done with the chapter you felt great. Not only that you had managed to study a lot but you also felt relaxed and calm, something you had not felt after a longer study session for a long time.

"Thank you," you said as you packed everything back into the bag.

"That was really no big deal. I am happy I could help you."

You turned to him to give him a soft little kiss.

"If you ever need help again, just say it. If that's my reward then I am more than happy to help you."



As promised here's another chapter. I think it turned out quite alright. Well, I'm not 100% satisfied but it's okay (:

So yeah the usual:

I'm searching for someone to reand through the stuff I plan to upload, because I just learned english in school and I'm not a native speaker... Also if you find any mistakes lat me know, I'd be happy to correct them.

Yeah so if you have any requests or submissions go ahead. I'd be happy to write them. 

And also guys: Do what Dean says: don't put school before your health. Make breaks and take a day off when you need to. I hope you all are successful at what you're studying and learning!

Anyway, I wish you a happy day/week/month/year/life, and I'll hopefully see you again.


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